Refund Issue


Under help it says the following:

1 Go to your Activity.
2 Select the payment you want to refund and click Issue a refund.
3 Enter the amount you want to refund.
4 Click Continue.
5 Review the information and click Issue Refund.


I, however, do not have a Issue a refund option anywhere on my page. Under activity, under details of the transfer, under my settings, no place. Where can I refund the money, and why is this such a hassle?

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Presumably you are the seller as only sellers can issue refunds?

Only if you are a buyer you would not see the refund option.

If you are the buyer then you would need to contact the merchant and request a refund. 

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I am the seller, yes, and none of my transactions have the option available. I have seen what the option looks like (as I have a friend who also has paypal account) and I do not have it. I'm curious if it has to do with the fact that all the transactions are through a 3rd party that you can handle refunds through. Is that possible? Do they disable the option in paypal if it is available elsewhere?

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



The refund option is on all my transactions and as far as I am aware no problems with anyone elses.

Are you accepting payments using friends/family at all instead of goods/services?

Advice is voluntary.
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Both, and it is not there at all for any transactions.


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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Never heard of it being disabled, you would need to contact customer services on this one.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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