Paypal keeping my money hostage


Hello, I've had funds in my PayPal for about a month now and I am yet to still either refund the money back to my bank account or make a transaction at all. I don't know why this is happening, I cannot get a clear answer and its annoying. I cannot transfer money because it says I have a business account but I've been told business accounts can actually do that so I don't know what's happened there. I've also been told by that message bot that there are no limitations on my account. I just tried making a simple purchase using PayPal and it just says that it couldn't be completed. The money isn't in my bank account it is in my PayPal because it wont let me transfer money out. It is really frustrating now 

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I also had a ticket in Resolution Centre solved in my favour but my account is still limited and I don't know why. There are some changes in Legal Agreement but I've no time to get through completely  there . I would close my account  and get rid of PayPal UK, I just wonder there might be issues to loose money I have in balance

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Hey everyone! Welcome to PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you've run into some issues transferring your money as you would like. It sounds like there may be two different issues going on here. I'll try my best to point you both in the right direction. 


@biga380plane, while you have a balance on your account and a bank linked, there may still be steps you need to take before you can use that balance as a payment method or transfer funds to your bank. First, I'd recommend double-checking your bank account is confirmed - that should help with the transfers out of your account. To use your balance as a payment method, review the following Help Center articles to see if any of them apply to you:


How can I use a balance with PayPal?

Why was my payment declined?

Also, depending on the merchant and / or whether or not the transaction is a subscription or billing agreement, you may also need to link and confirm a card to your PayPal account. 


@Brexitscam, normally any reasons for an account limitation would be present in your Resolution Center. If you're unable to resolve a limitation or complete a specific action in your limitation, please reach out to our Customer Support teams for assistance. 


Best wishes to you both!


 - Jon K

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