PayPal put my customer's payment on hold as this month I got over $400 via money transfers! Why?




PayPal put money on hold from the last transaction today. I'm a longtime seller sending my items from Europe all over the world and I get much more $ every month than $400. It was never a problem for PayPal to release and transfer payments immediately until now. What's going on with their stupid payment policies?


I don't want to chat with next stupid bot or teenage customer service representative in Pakistan copying " polite formulas" and asking next and next and next manager about that and that and who cannot answer simple questions neither find a real simple solution to a problem. All PayPal cares is taking money from every transaction ( almost 5%) and makes selling HARD. I do lots of transactions every month/year since 2002 and they put my hard earned money on hold! WHY?! They do whatever they want.


On the other hand, when I buy something myself they take money IMMEDIATELY. Every year it's getting worse and worse, what happens at the top of that company? Do they qualify and hire managers by IQ tests at least or having a brain over there is just too much?


Regarding my last sale I provided tracking number but the parcel will reach USA in a month I think as Christmas is coming and every year delivery takes longer than usual. How long do I have to wait for my money to be released from any next stupid holds? And why PayPal sets such stupid rules for their longterm verified customer. They earned a fortune on my deals for all this years I'm dealing with them but I'm really sick of those stupid rules they have. To summarize - when I have my money?!







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It does not reply to my question. I don't want to wait 21 days or more for MY MONEY. Who plays with my funds and earns on that? Not me!!! If you buy bread, then you also wait 3 weeks and more to eat it???!!!
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ok   🤷

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So anyone from PayPal dull managment can answer my questions and increase or remove any stupid money transfer limitations on my account? How can I can email them and describe next silly PayPal problem or chat with someone knowledgeable, not next customer help employee from Pakistan bureau or whatever? 

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Hello @Dash_x and @kernowlass

Welcome to the PayPal Community, @Dash_x, and thank you, @kernowlass, for providing that Help Center article about how to release payments on hold! 

I'm sorry to hear your recent payment was placed on hold, @Dash_x. We appreciate your long-term selling history with PayPal. As you're an established seller, the payment that was placed on hold was likely because it was considered a higher risk than normal. Payment holds are more common with new sellers, but if our Security System determines that a payment is considered high risk, it can be placed on hold even for an established seller. Higher-risk payments are usually for higher dollar amounts or risky items. Holds can also be placed if there is a change in selling history or disputes. You can learn more about why holds are placed on our Help Center here

To lift the payment hold, tracking would need to be provided that updates to show delivery. I do understand you've added that already, which is great. As you mentioned, the tracking may take a while right now, so at the most, it will be released after 21 days from the transaction date. Customer Support may be able to look into other options, but it is not a guarantee. You can review all of the different options to contact Customer Support on our Help Center here

I hope this information helps and that your hold is released soon; have a lovely rest of your day! 

- Meghan

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I also have a very long selling history with PayPal (Since 1999) with no issues. They have started holding my payment even to repeat customers.
So far I have not found ANY fair solutions, they just keep sending you to the shipping/tracking link. Even with that, the ice storms are delaying shipping and therefore payments, no fault of mine.
With all the new alternative payment methods this would seem a bad time to put off your sellers.
I have moved MOST of my payment to Venmo, and Zelle. My customers more than understand. No one seems to like PayPal!

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