Money pending, activity not visible.

New Community Member
Hello, Decided to buy an item on official website which supports paypal payment, something went wrong, money got charged, but it's doesn't show in paypal activity only in notification tab shows that its pending and on bank website shows that its reserved. Not to mention in android app you wont see at all this transaction. How to claim back that money ASAP? Because item is very limited stock, expensive and with preorder bonus.
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When you pay a company then it is often pending or awaiting authorisation until that company processes your order and captures the pending payment.

If they don't process the order and capture that payment then the pending status times out at 30 days post-payment and returns back to your funding source.

However the money would be pending in your funding source ie bank account / card, so if you contact them and state the funds will not be required they may be able to release them back to your available balance again.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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