Cannot check out nothing happens

I have been unable to check out using paypal today on multiple sites using many apps and browsers. There is money in my PayPal balance to cover the transactions and also money in my bank. But when I press final PayPal button to checkout nothing happens. There are no error messages it just turns blue and then no further progress happens its like it just dies at this point. This has happened on etsy and ebay checkouts ( usings aps ) and different PC's using google chrome and firefox browsers. There are no banking issues and my PayPal actually has a credit balance. I have no idea what to do as I'm not even getting error messages.
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same problem today and yesterday, multiple sites, using different devices. I just get a message that something went wrong.

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After clicking the complete purchase button nothing happens its just dead. Sadly after looking around it looks like this has been a recurring issue since June!!! Very dissapointed with paypal right now.
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Hello @Tinybob and @sarcasticfringe 


Thank you for joining the PayPal Help Community!


Sorry to hear that you're not able to complete the checkout using PayPal. PayPal internal system reviews every transaction before its approved. Each time you try to initiate a transaction, it goes through a series of filters for possible risk. If the system detects risk, it may temporarily block the transaction from going through or limit the payment options. I suggest you to try again at a later date by clearing cookies, history, cache, etc. from your browser or try using a different browser. If the issue persists, please get in touch with the support team to check this further. 


Best wishes,


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