money sent to wrong account


I was sending money friends & family , but I accidentally sent the money to someone else's PayPal account due to a mistype. Is there any way I can get my money back?

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Is it showing as SENT or unclaimed?

If unclaimed with a cancel option then cancel it, if its just unclaimed then as long as they don't claim it then it would time out at 30 days.


However if its SENT then reach out to the 'wrong' email address recipient and request that they refund the funds as it was a mistake and hope you have sent it to an honest person.


If they refuse then your only option would be if you funded your Paypal payment via a credit card then contact your card issuer and see if they will chargeback for you however its unlikely as it was a gift payment.


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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Is it showing as SENT or unclaimed?

If unclaimed with a cancel option then cancel it, if its just unclaimed then as long as they don't claim it then it would time out at 30 days.


However if its SENT then reach out to the 'wrong' email address recipient and request that they refund the funds as it was a mistake and hope you have sent it to an honest person.


If they refuse then your only option would be if you funded your Paypal payment via a credit card then contact your card issuer and see if they will chargeback for you however its unlikely as it was a gift payment.


Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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How do you check if it's unclaimed? I went to my activity and I don't see a cancel option.
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Yep, I sent $150 to the wrong PayPal account. Hoping the person is honest and will return the money. Wrote to them via PayPal but so far no response. You might think PayPal could help you contact the person and help determine if there was an error. Unfortunately the person who got the funds has a nearly identical PayPal ID to the person that was supposed to get the money. I will report back if I get the money returned.

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New Community Member

I have the same problem. Have you founded a solution


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Hello @JordanV1914

Thanks for joining the PayPal Community, and welcome! 

I'm sorry to hear you accidentally sent the payment to the wrong account. A great Help Center article you may find useful is: What can I do if I sent a payment to the wrong person?

I hope you receive a refund! 

- Meghan

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