Find a Friends and Family email?


So, I sent a payment via Friends and family to a contact I had in there by name.  They state it never came through to their email, and when I try the contact tab, no one replies.  I simply want to see the email address I sent it to, but there's no option in contact info other than "Contact Jim"  

How can I see the actual email address?


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Hi @ihdunton


Thank you for your post. I'm sorry to hear that you have not heard from the payment's recipient. When a friends and family payment is sent, the smallest amount possible of identifying information is visible, in order to protect additional sensitive information that the sender did not have at the outset. If the information used to send the payment was a username, the email address would not be visible. 


If you would like to investigate the status of the payment and whether it was received or not, please feel free to reach out to Customer Service. Click Contact at the bottom of the PayPal website, or reach out to one of PayPal's social media handles by direct private message: Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.


I hope this can be resolved quickly for you!




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Apparently it can't be resolved as the user namer and email are not related.  The recipient email did accept the payment, but it was not the correct email.  Attempting to contact them, they did not respond and have blocked me.  What is the recourse in this case?  

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Hey @ihdunton 


I understand your concern about sending the payment to the wrong email address. As you sent the payment as a Friends and Family payment, it can't be reported. For completed Friends & Family payments, your only option is to ask the recipient to refund you. If you paid via card or bank, you may also try to reach out to your financial institution to seek other dispute options to get your money back. 


Best wishes,


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