Payment Selection / CTAs - Are you able to link direct to login to PP and Pay with Debit & CC

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Are you able to link from you order summary page to:

1. Pay with PayPal

2. Pay with Credit or Debit card (albiet through Pay Pal as guest)


Option one works now and with the In-context checkout. The questions is are you able to have a seperate button for the user to select on our site that takes them directly to the card entry form, whilst registering the token etc...


If you are able to do this, are there limitations on the button e.g would it have to be the same / similar to the checkout with paypal?


Any advice or solutions to the above would be much appriciated.


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Hi StevyJ,


Thank you for posting and welcome to the Community Forum!


The standards payment buttons won’t give you an option to tailor your sales button in this way, however your buyer will still be able to pay with a card. When a buyer decides to checkout with PayPal, they will be presented with an option to either pay with their full PayPal account or to pay as a guest with a card.


You can learn more here:


For more advanced and tailored solutions please consult this page for PayPal Pro product:


Please consider contacting our PayPal Here Team via Customer Support as they will be able to review the situation in full and provide you with the best course of action.


Hope it helps 🙂


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