Virtual currency chargeback

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I have purchased in game currency off a servers website and then spent it in the game on a ingame car they later then remove that car from me under no wrong doing for example I haven’t been banned or had it stolen or sold it. They don’t offer replacement or replace the lost of in game currency. Am I able to charge this back as my product has been removed/changed. They don’t state on the website that purchases are subject to change or loss of ownership. They dont make u sign a EULA and the charge wasn’t through a friends and family.
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Hello @Temp20231209B

Welcome to the PayPal Community! Thanks for the post! 

I'm sorry to hear that the item you purchased was removed from your game. In-game purchases are typically covered under Item Not Received disputes, but since you originally received the item, I fear that the case wouldn't be resolved in your favor even though you no longer have it. You might be able to apply for a Significantly Not As Described dispute, as you had purchased a permanent item but only received it temporarily. I cannot guarantee that this would work, but I feel like it would be your best option. 

You can learn how to file a dispute on our Help Center here. Please make sure to include as many details as possible. I'd also include screenshots of your original transaction and receipt from the company. In the meantime, I also recommend viewing how to escalate a dispute to a claim, what the difference between a dispute and a claim is, and details on PayPal's buyer Protection Policy

I hope this information helps you receive a refund! If not, you may need to look into options outside of PayPal. 

- Meghan

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