Received invoice from one seller which I didn't make any purchase. Is it a scam?


Hi all. I received a notification from PayPal that someone sent me an invoice to make a payment of USD 500 for purchasing a anti virus software which I didn't make. Could I just leave it like that with out paying or how do I cancel or report this?

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Thanks, shame the report button is not on yet but good to know the method the scammers use.

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Anyone receiving suspicious Invoices from people you don't know?
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Firstly if the email/text addressed you as ''Dear Member'' / ''Customer'' / ''Client'' OR your ''email address'' then that confirms its a spoof as paypal would address you by your full name eg Dear John Smith.

Secondly if there was a link OR attachment in that email/text to ''cancel'' any transaction or ''confirm'' any details then again it would be a spoof.

Also if they ask you to call the number in the email then it would be fake paypal agents trying to scam you for money to 'fix' something. 

If there was a problem with your account Paypal would not ask you to click on an unsafe link in an email / download an attachment OR phone them on a number in an email, they would direct you to log in normally and go to the resolution or the message centre for more information.

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Scam money request or invoice that shows in your Paypal account..

Scammers harvest email addresses and send out money requests or invoices hoping that some of those email addresses are linked to an open Paypal account.

The unsuspecting recipient is given a fake Paypal phone number in the 'notes' section added by the scammer.
If you did call that number (DO NOT) to query the transaction the scammer tells you that they need to access your computer / Paypal account to cancel that transaction for you.
They will then hack your computer or Paypal account.

Paypal never put phone numbers on emails or in money requests/invoices, they tell you to contact them via help/contact bottom of their website pages.

If there is a cancel option then cancel it, if not ignore it and it should time out at 30 days.

However paypal are now putting an option to report the scammer on your paypal account for you now. 
As long as you don't click to pay it then no money would be transferred.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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I get harassed with several fake scam emails saying I owe money, and they are all from Paypal's official email, but they do not show up in Paypal activity. Why is this? Why can't I view these requests anywhere?

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I've received an invoice via Paypal for $188- not phishing. It's logged in Paypal. It's from someone I don't know and the address looks fake - in Lebanon. I've cancelled it and can't see anything that indicates I've paid. I'm sure it's a scam and they must have sent out many of these. How to report to Paypal quickly?

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As long as you know its fake you don't need to, just ignore/cancel it.

Scammers send out thousands of invoices to as many emails as they can harvest in the hope one of the recipients has a paypal account and is conned into paying it.

Advice is voluntary.
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New Community Member

I have received the same today for the same amount, I would assume that Paypal would cancel the account to pay it into and report the email used to the ISP as associated as an attempted Fraud.


As long as Paypal allow these Fraudsters to act then they will continue, the Fraudster has to set up a Bank account and email address and send out 100's of emails, the money if paid has to be transferred somewhere if its a bank or Paypal account.


By Paypal acting swiftly they not only make it difficult for the Fraudster but stop any other innocent person being scammed and involving Paypal services to get involved.


I would advise that you change your email address for your Paypal account and this should stop you receiving further scam emails., most email providers allow a secondary account at no extra cost.

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You are absolutely right; paypal ignoring these is just encouraging the scammers to continue doing so

I received an email today from paypal, and because it actually came from paypal I was almost drawn in! The message on it, to call a number (see email below) because the account had been invoiced suspiciously I had dialed as far as the 0800 when I stopped

That info was in the note by Hog [removed], not from paypal! A quick google and I found it was a known number for a scammer process. 

Now I am horrified to find paypal has no way of reporting them! They have the spoof@paypal for email, but nothing for fraud being perpetrated through their own site!

Somebody has to wake up and get the police involved before anybody else is caught off guard




Your PayPal account may have been illegally accessed. GBP £598. 00 has been deducted from your account to cover the cost of NIKE eGIFT CARD. If you think you did not make this transaction, call us right away at +4[Removed. Phone #s not permitted[Removed. Phone #s not permitted]or visit the PayPal Support Center for assistance.

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Paypal NEVER put a phone number or link in emails for you to contact them.

You only ever contact them via signing in on their website and logging in to your account.

Anything else is a spoof.

Scammers harvest email addresses and send out those requests hoping some email addresses are linked to paypal accounts and the unsuspecting recipient 'may' pay them not realising they are scams OR the scammers put phone numbers in the ''notes'' section so that as its a genuine paypal invoice you think the phone number is real and call it.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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My fake invoice for $500 had a phone number in it, which I plugged into the computer with "PayPal" added, and it brought me to this discussion. I cancelled the fake request, and reported the email to PayPal via their help thingy. 

The irony is that I discovered this fake invoice waiting for me in my app when I sent some money to a friend. The transaction actually had a 'report fraud' link on my LEGITIMATE transaction, but none on the fake one. Shouldn't this be on all transactions- including requests?

Thanks for the input and solutions, y'all. Stay frosty!

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