PayPal Bitcoin Invoice SCAM

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Received an Invoice saying Status Completed for "PayPal Coinbase Inc" which is a SCAM

  1. I first checked to make sure it did not hit my PayPal account from a different device.  
  2. verified that the customer service number is not a PayPal Customer Svc number (number on Invoice for customer service helpdes[Removed. Phone #s not permitted]
  3. called from a devise unconnected to me, and an Indian woman answered "Hello"
  4. Asked who this was, "you called me the woman said, then she said this is paypal bitcoin"
  5. I said," Very unprofessional way to answer the phone, and then said I received the invoice."
  6. She asked for the last 4 digits of the order number and proceeded to say I needed to update information
  7. My Reply, "no i dont and that I did not authorize this transaction, please connect me to the fraud dept."
  8. She replied, "if you think this is a fraud, then why did you call us and in order to cancel, you must update our information with me or I can give you the details as to what to do on paypal as your account has been compromised. ."
  9. I said, "Im not updating anything, that she should be able to connect me to the fraud dept for paypal."
  10. She replied, "this is not a police department, you have to give us your updated info or go online to paypal."
  11. I said, "I will do nothing of a sort," to which she responded rudely and raised her voice. 
  12. So I raised my voice, and asked her if she is in America or India? So I can send the police over. 
  13. Silence.... then a dial tone. 

The end... 

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Or as its a common scam and nothing is showing in your paypal account just click delete?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Thanks for posting. I received this email too and immediately smelled a "phishing expedition" to extract money. The email is well crafted, not showing any of the usual tell-tale marks of spam, but the phone numbers are a tip-off that someone is just trying to get your bank or credit card information. Beware!

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