Protection on private account

Hello I want buy item on Ebay Kleinanzeigen. Item was use. Im from Poland and seller is from Germany. I want pay with protection from buyers. Will it work?
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Esteemed Advisor


That depends on many factors all listed in Paypals buyer protection policy for you to read so you can risk assess your transactions.
Legal (bottom right of Paypals pages) > user agreement > buyer protection.

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Thank you. I saw it. Im not sure about 2 regulations. I quote: 1. Items intended for resale, including single item transactions or multi-item transactions. (What Paypal mean about "resale"?) 2. Personal payments, including payments sent using PayPal's Friends & Family feature. (My payment will be with protection but between two personal accounts).
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Hi everyone! Welcome to PayPal's Community Forum. Thank you @kernowlass for your help getting a solution on this thread started. 


@Aleale3, I'm sorry to hear there's a bit of confusion regarding our Purchase Protection. Thank you for your follow up question on those two points. 


You should still have Purchase Protection on a used item. The reference to "Items intended for resale" does not apply to a used item. It would apply to items someone purchased at a certain price with the only intention to sell it a higher price. 


Your transaction would also have Purchase Protection between to Personal PayPal accounts, as long as the transaction is a Goods and Services transaction. Purcahse Protection depends more on the transaction type and less on the account type. 


I hope that clears things up! Please feel free to reach out to our Customer Support teams if you run into any road-blocks along the way. 


Have a great day!


 - Jon K

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