Paypal's holds on verified funds is illegal. Join the class action law suit to make them stop!


Paypal's policies of with-holding verified funds has absolutely no statutory, logical, or ethical basis as grounds to hold and keep your money from you against your will and without your permission. In fact, so outrageous and corrupt is the practice of  these"forced interest free loans," the practice is literally against the law. Paypal must be forced to play by the rules, and obey the laws like every one else! Even if that means we as the customers it swindles on a regular basis must take matters into our own hands, and do so in the form of a class action lawsuit for all interest and damages Paypal has caused our lives and finances by it's unethical and illegal practice of with-holding access to our verified funds!


     To that end, I am asking the community of those whom have suffered this intolerable acts of corporate greed by Paypal, and suffered Paypal unlawful with-holding of your verified funds for any period of time, and for whatever made-up excuse they gave you, to please contact me at about the possibilities of forming a class of victims willing to bring the class action law suit so clearly required to ensure Paypal plays by the rules like the rest of us do! 


      If you don't believe their policy to be not only harmful to people who need and deserve the funds we earned without being forced to loan it interest free to a billion dollar company first, just ask yourself the following: What do you think would happen to you, if you took some ones money without their permission? You'd expect to go to jail, and face criminal charges for your illegal behavior, right? Well, Paypal, in all of it's corporate ego, has come to believe itself above the laws of this country. The proof of this, is the policy and practice of with-holding verified funds from it's customers, in violation of criminal statutes, banking laws, and all other laws Paypal wrongfully thinks do not apply to it (EVEN THOUGH IT IS A MONEY LENDER OFFERING CREDIT AND CREDIT CARDS, AND DEALS IN AND WITH DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS!)! We have rights as consumers under the banking laws, laws that govern financial companies, as well as the Fair Credit Reporting Act as Paypal never gives a legally recognized reason for wrongfully with-holding and converting for it's own uses your money via the with-holding policies! We do not need to stand for this! Join me in punishing Paypal by hurting it, the way it has hurt us... In the pocket book! Let's sue for our interest, and to get Paypal to stgop stealing our verified funds once and for all!


I look forward to hearing your stories about how you ewere harmed by Paypal unlawfully with-holding funds you earned and needed immediately,! We will show this greedy corporate egomaniac that even a billion dollar company must obey the laws of this country, and may not make gifts unto itself in the form of interest free forced loans from other peoples moneys, and that in this country justice is not determined by the size of your bank account but the merit of your actions and treatment of your fellow citizens!


Respectfully waiting to hear from all of you,

Joel <removed> Juris Doctorate

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"Broke PayPal Rules means whatever they say it means according to the terms of service agreement 


Correct, so read paypals user agreement so you don't break their rules maybe just as the rest of us do?

Its not at paypals sole discretion it is clearly listed in their user agreement or acceptable use policy.





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I did read their rules, that was quoted directly from the PayPal terms of use. If they say you broke a rule, then you broke a rule. My wife is an attorney, that means whatever they want it to mean. It's so insidious that they absolve themselves of having to defend it in court. If you disagree, you must go through "arbitration".
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And I certainly don't need someone at PayPal deciding for me what is "misinformation". I'm perfectly capable of ascertaining that myself. Throughout all history, it's never the "good guys" who want to censor and hide information. I'll pass on PayPal, there's numerous other ways to achieve the same result.
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@RenaissanceMan1 ..... unless of course its permanently limited then you won't have to worry about doing so.

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I want to sue them to for this they r constantly doing this
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pls help me that
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I bought Bitcoin in 2020 PayPal froze my account and my crypto account for 2 years then just sold my Bitcoin without any explaining I got no answers
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I was shocked when I saw that more than half of my funds for service were held. I found NO explanation that warranted such an action. I need that money to cover my expenses immediately. Will they reimburse me for the interest that they will earn on my money including the usual Paypal fee? They are going to loose me because of this.

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Hi, Man hope you’re doing really well 🙂 & to everyone else reading I hope you’re all doing really well also!! Any updates on your account’s with funds being held? I also am in the same boat $2.5K AUD of my hard earned business money sitting in limbo, I have a business to run & things to pay to keep the doors open, I am a distressed PayPal business account holder. I am now folding financially as a business just about to go into liquidation, & would love to sue PayPal for every last penny, not to mention being compensated for 10 whole days of lost business & missed revenue. I run a very small yet very successful online aquarium store powered by Shopify, here in Australia, one of our main checkout options was the “PayPal Express” checkout system which regretfully was customers most preferred checkout option.. which moving forward once I finally get my money out of PayPal I’ll be closing on the spot. Just to give everyone a bit of insight we have only be running for 6 months as a business, with that said we run at a very small scale (still growing) online store, so what might seem like a small amount of money to PayPal, we simply need it to keep moving forward & haven’t got money to fall back on… & that’s irrelevant right? I can’t give up fighting for my own funds that belong to ME & not PayPal!! I have contacted my local law firm regarding this, but if there’s already a law suit in progress or starting or whatever, sign me up! Send me the details & together we’ll put a stop to this utter disgraceful behaviour. It’s unacceptable, uncalled for, & certainly some accountability needs to be held against these operating criminals. I’d like to see them shut down, & not operating because that’s what they need. I cannot wait for the day I close my PayPal account. I have contacted the useless, PayPal customer service “team” more than I can count, & keep getting the same scripted response from the entire “team” if you can even call them that… I’m over it & it’s to the point now where it needs to be dealt with legally in court, I’ve done everything in my power, I’ve been very patient, & I’m just about at breaking point, yet at no fault of my own, they gave some utter disgraceful excuse of my PayPal sales increased so they wanted to know more about the business. I uploaded all requested documents by PayPal which were: 1. Photo ID 2. Business insight 3. Proof of fulfilment 4. Suppliers invoices. All submitted successfully on the 26th March 2024, it’s now April 5th 2024 at the time I’m this. I know owe a lot of my suppliers money, the freight company money, & other people associated with my business have also been affected, so it’s a huge snowball effect, especially as a small business owner, that can’t absorb this, or will not come back from this financially. They promise a 3-5 business day reviewing time frame… & legally can’t hold your funds for any longer than this period without any correspondence or written explanation of to why their holding your funds, yes that’s right legally they can’t!! Under Australian common law do your research if you disagree. Please note: That this has happened twice previously the exact same situation & on both occasions my PayPal account was back up & running within 30 minutes.. So what’s the reasoning for them too hold my funds for longer than 3-5 business days? Well their isn’t… & in Australia as I’m a “Australia consumer” they legally have to operate under Australian consumer law, I have contact the ACCC & also the ASIC here in Australia, which are both government agencies which basically offer free legal advice where they can, & provide relevant information & advice for businesses on both ends of the stick. I’ve got every right now to sue & will be doing so. Please send me the details for the class action against PayPal, ASAP & together we’ll shut these criminals down. Thanks so much everyone!! Ethan It almost feels as if it is deliberate to close small businesses down? I dunno but I certainly have my suspicions. I doubt I would have this issues if I was chewing thru hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of sales per day.. ohh no of course not because that’s more money PayPal gets right? I’m only a number of the millions of poorpers that use PayPal. So it doesn’t matter & the care factor is 0.
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