How to remove account limitations if you don't have a house in your name.

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I've been trying to make a PayPal account, but when trying to set it up it became limited as I could not prove proof of address. I'm currently temporarily living with my mother, and I previously lived with my father but the house burnt down, so I have no permanent address at the moment. My question is, do you need to have a house in your name to get past the limitation? My mother handles the bills, and all the paperwork is in her name, so I have nothing to submit to clear the limitation.


I am also wondering, since I most likely won't have any address in my name for a few years, will this risk my account getting permanently limited? I fear because of factors out of my control I won't be able to ever use PayPal.

Thank you. 

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



We accept copies of the following documents as proof of address:

  • Utility bill (dated within last 12 months)
  • Cell or landline phone bill (dated within last 12 months)
  • Motor vehicle registration (dated within last 12 months)
  • 401k/brokerage statement (dated within last 12 months)
  • Copy of grant deed on home or lease agreement for home
  • Bank or credit card statement (dated within last 12 months)
  • Identity card or driver's license with physical address listed (must be current)

Advice is voluntary.
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