How do I contact the company


PayPal wants me to contact the company that took my money, I thought I was but I guess it's not. Does anyone know how to contact the company?

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Hello @Sianna2020 and @kernowlass

Welcome back! Thanks for posting in the PayPal Community Forum!

I'm sorry to hear you were advised to contact the merchant regarding an unrecognized transaction, @Sianna2020. Typically, the merchant's contact details should show within your PayPal Activity after you locate the transaction. You may need to do a quick Google search for the merchant's name if they do not. If needed, you can learn how to file an unauthorized dispute in our Help Center here. If the dispute is denied, you can request an appeal by speaking with Customer Support

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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Sorry but how would we know the company you purchased from?

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I Did not Purchase anything from the Company, PAYPAL sent me a notification that A Company took $5 from my account!!!
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Again, how would we know which company it was?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Hello @Sianna2020 and @kernowlass

Welcome back! Thanks for posting in the PayPal Community Forum!

I'm sorry to hear you were advised to contact the merchant regarding an unrecognized transaction, @Sianna2020. Typically, the merchant's contact details should show within your PayPal Activity after you locate the transaction. You may need to do a quick Google search for the merchant's name if they do not. If needed, you can learn how to file an unauthorized dispute in our Help Center here. If the dispute is denied, you can request an appeal by speaking with Customer Support

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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