Fraudulent transaction to an "armory" for $799.


Paypal sent me an email notifying me of a transaction to an armory for $799. Not only did I not do this transaction, but I am very alarmed that someone could breach my Paypal account to buy goods from an armory!! This clearly is criminal activity, someone who is hacking into people's accounts to buy guns, ammo or other weapons!!! And I can't even call Paypal to talk to anyone!!! I sent a "message" thru their texting option, but does anyone know of a way to actually reach someone??

This is very serious and needs to be reported to authorities and the source of it tracked down!!!!!

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Hi @MamaBeard,


Thank you for your post and welcome to the community! 


I'm sorry to hear that you received emails regarding transactions you did not make. What you describe receiving is a common ploy that fraudsters use to trick people into calling the number in the email, which would be their number and not PayPal's. They would then use further phishing tactics to trick people into divulging sensitive information that they could then use to commit more fraud. It's wonderful that you did not fall for it and give any information.


I would recommend changing your password as soon as possible to be on the safe side, and if you have any thought that your email account may have been compromised to gather that information, change your password there too. Use passwords that are unique to each site. There's also some information here that may be helpful, and this article as well. 


The fact that the last 4 of your bank account is known means that a fraudster has information that would be helpful to validate identity when calling any financial company. You may wish to contact your bank to request that a new account number be issued, and update that information in your PayPal account.


I hope this helps!




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Oh, and by the way, the PP website says it doesn't see any transactions of late. If that's true, then why did I get an email from their customer support notifying me of the transaction? (That's how I became aware of this.)

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Your Email probably did not come from PayPal. The fraudster makes it look like it was from PayPal but it is fake. That’s why when you get a hold of PayPal for real, they know nothing about it. The fraudster only wants to try to get you to supply them with sensitive info to confront this fake transaction which they can then use to access and steal money from your account. Just ignore the message completely and you can monitor your account just to make sure the fake transaction hasn’t come through which with nearly 100% assurance it won’t.

It’s too bad the government won’t set up a scam operation to catch these bums, prosecute them and put them in jail. As long as these bums realize that nothing will ever happen to them, they will continue to try to scam people without impunity since there is nothing to worry about.

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Hello @docnick,


I'm sorry to hear about the recent unrecognized activity on your account. If you need to report any unauthorized activity through your PayPal account, you can do so through our Resolution Center. Here's a great Help Center article that can guide you through that process: How do I report an unauthorized transaction or account activity?


If you do not see the transaction in your PayPal history, we recommend contacting your funding source to see what options you have to report that transaction.


Best wishes,


 - Jon K

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I just received the same message from Riverbend Armory for $729.99. Bank has been notified to not allow payment to PayPal. PayPal’s contact number doesn’t open until 10 AM PST. This is poor service for those of us in the Central Standard time zone 

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It is a fishing attack.  If you call the number on the e-mail they will ask you to go to a web page and download a file to "correct your account".  They almost got me until I logged onto my account to verify recent activity and the legitimacy of the e-mail.

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I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this. I am the owner of Mayhawke Armoury. I sell swords at Renaissance Faires. I DO NOT do mail order, or take Paypal payments for this business. As someone else stated, this is a phishing scam. They are trying to get you to download a Trojan program.  DO NOT CALL THE NUMBER IN THE EMAIL!!!. If you have any doubts, contact Paypal directly from their website.


I can assure everyone that I have not received any orders, nor have I received any payments of any kind around this. While I do take credit cards in my business, I only sell at the faires I attend, I only swipe cards, and I require ID for ever card transaction to both protect my clients , and myself. I DO NOT ship, do over the phone, or manually enter card numbers. I process cards through a very reputable processing company, and fallow all required protocols. 


Quite simply, this is a scam and should be ignored.



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This also just occurred to me within the last hour. I received a strange email from Staghorn Armory claiming to be sending me a billing invoice here for $692.43. The first giveaway for me was there was a dash in the PayPal; "Pay-Pal." They also tried to make it appear they were local, and yet there is no business registered in that name at the address they gave.


And they said they'd be invoicing my PayPal account, which I thought, "Well, I don't have any funds there, so that wouldn't work, so they must be after something else like phishing for personal information." Ugh. These past 18 months of the proliferation of scams, fraud, and con artists are irritating. 

Stay safe! And always check other places online and avoid clicking on suspicious emails or calling them. They are intentionally using fear tactics to get you to initiate the process, so you are vulnerable to their phishing attempts. 

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Same  thing just happened to me about 20 minutes ago.  This time from Red Dawn Armory for $739.84.  My Pay Pal account shows no such transaction has taken place.  From some previous messages I have read on this forum, it appears Pay Pal will not get involved since no transaction ever took place.

This must be a pfishing scam in an attempt to obtain my account information.

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Also received this email today, for the value of $753, so it seems like it's still an ongoing scam.

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