Closed dispute still relevant

New Community Member

I bought an item at the beginning of march that ended up never being delivered. Due to miscommunication I opened a dispute to get my money back which I closed after the seller asked me to wait for them to send the item again. That was at the beginning of this month and I haven't heard from them since. Now, I wanted to open a dispute again, but because I closed the previous one I can no longer choose the "wasn't delivered" option. Is there any way to salvage this?

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Esteemed Advisor



You should never close a dispute unless you have a refund or item.

If you have not received either then you should escalate to a claim.

Then once you have a refund and the item turns up you can easily pay the seller again, BUT you can't force the seller to send anything once you have closed a dispute.

It tells you before you close it that you can't re-open it OR open a new one for the same transaction.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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