Add-on item at $0.00 blocking me from disputing an order

New Community Member

I never received an item in the mail but because seller included VIP benefits at $0.00, I'm unable to dispute. Chosing the option "I never recieved an item" opens up a checklist of all items included in the order. First line is the item I bought at original cost, second line is the free item. I'm forced to click both to proceed. On the second page I have to enter the desired refund amount. I cannot leave the VIP benefits at $0.00. But I cannot enter an amount either (warning says "cannot exceed $0.00".) I tried altering my price to even out (example: item costs $35.00, so I made item $34.00 and VIP $1.00) but nothing works. I am unable to move forward with filing a dispute. Is there any way around this? Any help would be great.

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Hello @BrittanySaturn 


Welcome and thanks for posting your question in the PayPal Help Community!


Sorry to hear the issue with your purchase. I understand that you're looking to dispute the purchase. I suggest you to try to enter the exact amounts of the item and the VIP benefits while disputing the purchase. If the issue persists, please contact the Support Team to check this further.


Good luck,


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