Recieved random deposit and PayPal resolved in their favour leaving me with the fee.


I recieved a random unsolicited payment for a xmas tree i never sold. I don't sell xmas trees. When i went to refund the user it said the refund would be twice that of the payment! So i took a screenshot and asked PayPal if this was somekind of scam and asked them to look into it. Paypal ruled in favour of the user and refunded them the deposit. Good result, right... Well it seems PayPal have left me with the transaction fee that has put my account in negative.

Whats the point of the resolution if i have to pay a fee to get it resolved? I didn't sell this user anything. I don't know this user.


Any help would be apprieciated.

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Hello @Ballsnitz


Welcome to the PayPal Community! I'm sorry to hear about that recent transaction you've received and the fee along side it. Normally, it is correct that the fee would not be refunded if the transaction is refunded to the buyer. However, in this instance I would recommend reaching out to our Customer Support teams to see what options may be available.


My apologies for any inconvenience this has caused, 


 - Jon K

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New Community Member

Good morning.  Did your issue get resolved favorably?  I recently had someone deposit $500 to my PayPal account unsolicited.  The scammer requested $514.80 to be refunded to her, which they did! add insult to injury, PayPal has charged me a $15 dispute fee!  I am contacting my attorney general, but wondered if you had any luck getting your money back.

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Hey Rockinfitz. No, this issue was not resolved in my favour. Supposedly I still "owe" PayPal $5.p
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