Psychic Medium Jesse [removed] scam


We have reported Jesse [removed] to PayPal a number of times and he is still scamming people. His first account was The Paranormal Emporium on PayPal, now it's Spiritual Events. Surely PayPal can tell if he's set up another account as it will be paying into the same bank account. We help hundreds of victims to get their money back from him and it's all through PayPal. He's been scamming now for over 2 years and we have evidence from each person. We have a Facebook group to help his victims. PayPal needs to stop enabling these people.

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Hi @Anjelfire and welcome, 


I am so sorry to hear about what has been happening and that so many people are being affected. Please click here and scroll to the bottom of the page you will see the email address and details on how to report a website. Once reported our team will investigate. You can also report an account if you have the email address. Generally, we can link accounts in the background if they are using similar details and if they have been limited on one account, we can limit any further accounts. For data protection reasons we would not be able to advise of the outcome but if it is fraudulent or doing anything that is against our policies then we will take action in the background. 


I hope this helps, 


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We have already reported the paranormal emporium under the email [removed]. It seems, as though he may have changed his email? Maybe to set up the 'spiritual events' with a different email? His website is

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We have already reported him. and [removed] Can you please give me the person who our solicitor can contact to verify he is scamming people through PayPal. Every week we come across more people who are still being scammed. If you check the account you will see loads of refund requests. He does not show up for the service they pay for and then blocks them. We have proof of this from many people.

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