Paypal suppports fraud

I was scammed by an online business When making payment through paypal, the sellers name apparently switched to a "friends and family" account which I didn't see or must have missed somehow. I ended up paying but never got a confirmation of order. I contacted PayPal and they said there the buyer protection doesn't apply, because it was a friend and family's account . Ok, I got that... I won't get my money back but what really upsets me is that PayPal doesn't do anything to prevent this in the future. It took me a long time to talk to the staff on the phone and explain her, that they should at least look into this and lock the recipients account. I was told they couldn't do anything - they don't have guidelines for dealing with that. She didn't let me speak to her supervisor either. She ended up putting me on hold for a while and then said that she had passed my request on but that I would not hear from them again. So I don't know whether she really passed it on or whether she just put me on hold while having a cup of coffee... In my opinion, PayPal is indirectly supporting fraud by providing a platform for scammers and not even caring about complaints that point to specific fraud cases. I would expect that from any reputable company. I no longer consider PayPal a reputable company.
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Secondly PayPal did not even attempt to get the money back for me so I truly don’t even know why unless you work for PayPal you are even responding or commenting on anything that I post….I didn’t leave it open for discussion to anyone outside of PayPal so unless you work for them or are trying to give me info to help stay out of it

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Of course they didn't try to get the money back for you, you sent a 'gift' of money, how many more times do I need to point that out.

You chose to send a friends/family payment negating your buyer protection, they gave you buyer protection you chose to ignore it.

Very unfortunate but not paypals issue as you were the one that made the error.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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