Queries in paypal sandbox - Integration


We are using pay sandbox > paypal IPN.

In this after completing a payment transaction it returns to 'Success' page but the payment_status captured is pending. 

How can we post the transaction after transaction. Currently the transaction details are passed in query string


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For the first question, it's not possible to direct to that page. The buyer needs to choose pay via paypal account or debit/credit card first.

Second question, the "country" variable only sets the language shown on the checkout landing page. Once a buyer logs into their account, their language preferences will be used.

Third question, for those countries which use the term "VAT" to indicate a tax being charged it will be displayed as "VAT" and the same applies for "TAX". For example, for a U.S. merchant it would be displayed as "TAX", but for a U.K. merchant it would be displayed as "VAT". You can't change this label.

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Thanks for your reply. 


For the first question, it's not possible to direct to that page. The buyer needs to choose pay via paypal account or debit/credit card first.

In paypal demo site they are directing to that page (link: https://demo.paypal.com/us/demo/navigation?merchant=beauty&page=merchantHome). If we use

live account will that happen. Could you please suggest

Second question, the "country" variable only sets the language shown on the checkout landing page. Once a buyer logs into their account, their language preferences will be used.


Is there a possibility to set default country. Could you please suggest

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To answer both questions, no.

The demo site is old and not a current representation.

You can't force a default country. Once a buyer logs into their account, there account language preferences will take precedence.

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