Payment en 4x payment didn’t go through

Hello, I have been using PayPal for a long time, and I especially liked using its 4payment option. I have bought with it many times and I have never had any problems with either my card or PayPal. This is the second time I have received a message from PayPal informing me that the payment failed, despite the fact that everything was fine with my card. So, today I was refused to use this option without explanation.
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Hello @Liliya1984,


Welcome! Thank you for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you've run into some issues using Pay in 4 as a payment option. Unfortunately, Pay in 4 may not be able available on every transaction. If you don't see Pay in 4 available during checkout, we would recommend using an alternate funding source to complete your transaction. Here's an article with more information on Pay in 4 and when it may potentially be available. 


Best wishes!


 - Jon K

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I use 4x PayPal payment and I have never had any problems, this is the first time I encounter this. My 4x payment failed, which means PayPal was unable to withdraw the regular payment, but I didn't have any problems with my card. None of the agents of PayPal was able to help me figure it out.
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Hey @Liliya1984 


I totally understand your concern about payments towards Pay in 4 getting failed. There could be several reasons on why PayPal wasn't able to pull the repayment from your card including insufficient funds in your card/bank or unconfirmed financials. Please confirm your linked card/bank for successful transactions. If you see repeated failure of transactions with the particular card, please try to use a different payment method to complete the payments and update your payment method for your repayments as well. 


You can update the payment method, by selecting the pay in 4 plan and and clicking the change under the payment Method. If the issue persists after updating the payment method, please feel free to reach PayPal Support team


Best wishes,



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New Community Member
I applied for pay in four and was approved. Over the last couple months I've bought the same kind of thing from the same exact sites and was approved every time. About two weeks ago I was turned down and I just thought well I have a few pay in four already going and they probably want it paid down or completely off so I made every single payment not a single one late and have paid off just about every one and I still don't get an option for it anymore. I mean I really appreciate PayPal giving me the option because it helped me and if I don't get to use it again then I can't really complain but I would just like to know why and if there's a way to reapply for it or something. Thank you for any help in advance
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