PayPal Android App stuck on loading. The circle spins forever and the App never loads.

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Hello there! We are having trouble logging into the PayPal App on our Android phone (Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5G). It is forever stuck on the following screen:



We have done the following to try and fix this:


1. Clear the App Cache and Storage on our phone.

2. Update the App.

3. Uninstalled and reinstalled the App.

4. Cleared all cookies and cache on the browser (Brave).

5. Tried a different browser as the default.

6. Restarted the phone.

7. Turned off and turned on the phone.

8. Tried to reinstall and login in with WiFi on, Wifi off, VPN on, VPN off, and all combinations thereof.


Every time we log in, we enter the username, the password, and go through an Authenticator for 2FA.


And every time, it's stuck on that lading screen forever.


PayPal Tech Support doesn't seem able to help. Is there anything we may be missing?


Thanks in advance!

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Wanted to respond with I'm also having the same issue, even tried on another phone. Was working fine on my older device but im assuming because it was logged in before whatever bug has popped up recently, but traded that phone in for this current phone. Tried all your steps as well, love brave but know it can be finicky so originally thought it was that. Hoping this gets fixed soon.

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Hello everyone! Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you've run into some issues using PayPal's mobile app. I'd be happy to try to point you in the right direction. 


Hi @StudioBlueGames, thanks for letting us know everything you've tried and for providing that screenshot. With everything you've provided, I'd recommend removing any VPN software, third party browsers, as well as any other third party software blocking your location or masking your identity. You'll also want to use the default application downloader to download the PayPal app and default browser if necessary. If you're still running into issues after that, you may want to try using a different device to try to log into PayPal. 


Best wishes!


 - Jon K

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Hello - we tried everything you suggested and get in a "you're approved" loop.

Any suggestions?


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Thank you for your post! Welcome! I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues with the app as well.


If the above suggestions did not resolve the issue, please contact Customer Service for further troubleshooting. You can find the options for contact at the bottom of the PayPal website under Contact. 


I hope this is quickly resolved for you!




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any one have solved this problem? @StudioBlueGames @Krytical  @PayPal_Olivia @PayPal_JonK

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