Being asked to transfer money from a buyer of my car

New Community Member

Hi I am selling a car on eBay a lady claiming to be deaf and disabled has shown interest she says she sent the money for the car and for me to pay her courier so I can receive the payment. I followed her link in an email and opened up an account with pay pal, I think it’s a bit to complicated and now she says if I don’t follow pay pals instructions she will report me and call police. Am I being led on, there isn’t anything into the account and I’ve changed the password although I’ve entered my bank card details in with pay pal


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Hello @Perc44

Welcome to the Community! 

I'm sorry to hear about what's happened. We would never pressure you into making a sale, so based on the information you've supplied, I advise you to proceed with caution. You can learn more about how to spot fake PayPal emails and websites on our Help Center. I also recommend reviewing our Seller Protection Policy, as vehicles are not covered. 

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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