Payment on hold

New Community Member

My payment is still on hold despite the person receiving the item, leaving a positive review and a shipping number has been provided on Depop AND Paypal!! I’m desperate for this money as I’m going away tomorrow!!😫 please help! Xx

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Ask the buyer to log on to their PayPal account and see if there is a "Confirm Receipt" button so they can release the funds if they have received the goods and it is to their satisfaction. If there is no such button or they don't want to confirm because they want to keep their dispute rights, then you'll have to wait the full 21 days or call PayPal customer service to release the funds. If you tell PayPal of your travel plans, you can access your PayPal account while abroad.


Contact customer service for assistance:

Click HELP at the top menu, scroll down to click CONTACT US, and then scroll down to click CALL US.


Say "Live Agent" to the automated recording.

Kudos & Solved are greatly appreciated. 🙂
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