Claim dispute



One of my online student got the assignmnet done from me and had agreed to pay the full amount but he paid a nominal amount for starting of the assignment work. After completing and sending the assignment he never paid the full amount rather opened a case for un authorized transaction for initial amount . while he had paid the amount to me as a initial amount i never requested him. Then how come he could claim while he is still due to me a full amount.


The most important point here is that the Paypal company how can believe the buyers claim without knowing the facts from the seller also, If Paypal would had contacted me for knowing the exact cause then it would have been certainly clear who is to blame for. rather opening a case and sending me the notice to pay back the amount is totally unjustified as i had already spent a lot of time and effort on his assignment. also he was sill due a full amount.

In conclusion i wanted to know that how to tackle this type of false claims while getting work done. If Paypal team provide me the better way to solve this issue would be highly appreciated and thanked.


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