opening a new account for Social Security

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I need a new account open for my Social Security to be directly deposited on
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New Community Member
Need a need an account for my social security check to be directly deposited in every month
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Hello @Temp20231028B

Welcome to the PayPal Community, and congrats on your first posts! 

I understand you would like to receive direct deposits for your Social Security check monthly, and I'll be happy to provide some guidance. Personal PayPal Accounts that have been approved for a PayPal Debit Card can receive direct deposits. You can learn more about how to apply for a PayPal Debit Card on our Help Center here: What is the PayPal Debit Card and how do I get one? After you've been approved for a PayPal Debit Card, you can visit, How do I set up Direct Deposit? to get started. 

I hope this helps you set up your account to accept your Social Security checks!

- Meghan

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