Paypal is still using an old shipping address after I updated my account address


Paypal auto-filled my old shipping address with my last transaction. There was no opportunity to change the address. I had already changed my primary address for my PayPal account. Where is PayPal getting my old shipping address from and how do I change it? I can't use Paypal until this is solved.

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If you used another address with a website then sometimes paypal will 'remember' it and auto fill when you next visit that site.

That's why its important to check all information on the checkout screen before you hit send.

If you contact customer services they can locate all old addresses and get rid of them for you.


Contact options for each countries Paypal customer services are accessed by clicking help/contact bottom left of Paypal pages.

1. Paypal phones (you can use the guest option if you can't log in).
2. Live chat is also randomly available.
3. You can send them a message, (during business hours you may also be able to message whilst logged out).
4. Have you considered contacting Customer Service via Facebook or Twitter?
You can send them a personal message from their Facebook or Twitter pages.
It's: and @AskPayPal for Twitter.

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If you used another address with a website then sometimes paypal will 'remember' it and auto fill when you next visit that site.

That's why its important to check all information on the checkout screen before you hit send.

If you contact customer services they can locate all old addresses and get rid of them for you.


Contact options for each countries Paypal customer services are accessed by clicking help/contact bottom left of Paypal pages.

1. Paypal phones (you can use the guest option if you can't log in).
2. Live chat is also randomly available.
3. You can send them a message, (during business hours you may also be able to message whilst logged out).
4. Have you considered contacting Customer Service via Facebook or Twitter?
You can send them a personal message from their Facebook or Twitter pages.
It's: and @AskPayPal for Twitter.

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Why is PayPal still automatically using my old address as I have updated it several times. I have also lost my opinion for pay in 4 nothing ever outstanding?
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Hello @DebAuck


Welcome to the PayPal Community! I'm sorry to hear you've run into some account issues lately. Normally, PayPal will present your Primary Address for your shipping options unless you've created a profile with that merchant and used an alternate shipping address. However, you should normally see the option to change your address before you complete a checkout with PayPal. 

In regard to Pay-in-4, there are some eligibility requirements to use it and not all merchants will allow it to be used during checkout. You can also read more about Pay-in-4 Applications here if you're running into some issues with the application process.


I hope that helps!


 - Jon K

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Why does PayPal hold on to an old address, though? I can't see it anywhere in my PayPal account; it's deleted on my end. I just went to a website I'd never purchased anything from before, and made a purchase, and of course didn't notice until I got the confirmation screen that you had given them my old address (and copied it over as the billing address!). WHY?!?!?!?


I've been on the other end of this, too. A package showed up to my house for a former resident. Luckily, I was able to track her down & she was still local, so I delivered her package to me. I can only imagine how many problems you're causing for people, businesses selling things, and delivery companies as customers complain that their purchases never arrived!

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Always check address and funding source before you click to pay.

Sometimes your computer auto-fills addresses OR its a website you have used before.

Paypal use your registered address unless you select a gift address first.

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2023 and paypal still does not have a way to allow you to set and use a default address. Paypal sees fit to use an address I haven't lived at in 5 years as my default address. How is this still not addressed?

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Hello @Yuse_Dranton,

Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!

I am sorry for the experience you have had and I can definitely see how frustrating this could be. If you're referring to the address that you see during the checkout but not on you PayPal account, it means the addresses are added during the purchases on the merchant's site. They get saved in the background of your account as gift addresses but do not show in the profile dashboard. To have them removed, please reach out to PayPal Customer support Team through the available contact options on our website and let them know that you would like to remove some of the gift addresses. They will want to know specific address to remove so if you make a note of the ones to be removed that would be handy.

I hope this information helps,

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What happened with me, is I used a merchant (JOANN's Fabrics), which I have never used before and I have no account on, nothing cached for that site on my browser, nothing at all. I hit PayPal checkout, and it auto confirms the order and ships it to an old address, without allowing me to check ANY INFORMATION. That old address, was removed from my PayPal account, it's not even on the record. Neither JOANNs website nor PayPal have that address anywhere, how and why is a years old address being auto filled? I understand JOANN should have allowed me to confirm, that ball is on their court. Here is my bigger issue: If I have gone through and removed ALL addresses on my PayPal account minus my current one, months ago in fact, how and why is an address that is no where on my account, being used to ship items to? Why is PayPal keeping record of my old addresses without my knowledge? Why is it using it to auto filling? In addition, why are you downplaying the concerns leveraged and saying its a "gift address" when that isn't the issue people are leveraging. I appreciate you taking the time to interface with customers and we understand that the issue is not something you personally caused, you are just the person doing your best to handle the blowback, but what we would appreciate is you taking the time to understand that there is a very real issue here, and you are using a strawman fallacy to address our concerns. You are reassuring us, that surely it must be a mistake on our part. What I can assure you, is I work in web development, I would be willing to stake my professional reputation that PayPal was the one who directly autofilled that address, it is no where on any records anywhere. If our old addresses are being saved as "Gift addresses", why? Moreover, why are those being defaulted to as default shipping address? Moreover, why are we not able to see them and remove them? Seems like a pretty major flaw don't you think? Shouldn't PayPal instead be telling us, "thank you for letting us know, we are not aware that this has been an issue, I am going to pass it up the chain of command so that it lands on the desk of people who can verify if this is indeed happening, and then we can look to making changes if it is as you claim"? Thanks for your time, best wishes. -Robert

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I had the same issue for two years. I solved it by not using PayPal anymore.
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