I can not receive OTP SMS code to enter my account. Please help.

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I can not enter to my primary account anymore. My phone number is still active but I am not receiving any otp sms from Paypal. I had this issue before, I could not enter my account over a month and after a month I was abled to receive otp sms codes. I also installed authenticator app into my previous phone but after format I can not enter my account with authenticator app either. Please help me guys.

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Please contact your carrier to confirm that they aren't blocking any texts from short numbers, and to otherwise troubleshoot your inability to receive the SMS from PayPal.

Advice is voluntary.
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New Community Member

I already contacted and they confirmed that they are not blocking any short code. I can receive short otp codes from different companies but I can not receive from PayPal.

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Hello @Aliko999 


Apologies for the inconvenience! As you've already contacted the carrier and tried the troubleshooting, I recommend you to contact our support team to get this checked further. Contact options to reach the team can be found here : How do I contact PayPal customer service?


Good luck,


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Hi there Bindu, I have had the same problem for three months. I cannot get into my account at all. I've been struggling for months now and I can't get anyone to help me. The sms OTP isn't working. I've already called my service provider, tried the community forum, tried the resolution centre, tried calling, emailing, and even tried facebook. I need a human assistant to help me with this. No one is helping me, and no one can give me answers besides everything I've already tried. This is incredibly urgent as I need to invoice to get paid, to pay my bills. Tomorrow is already the 20th of January. If this isn't resolved soon, I'm late on everything I need to pay. Please help me. I got an agent on facebook, but they just said that I should try the above-mentioned, and I already have. PLEASE HELP ME 

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