Madurai Tamil Nadu India

It's operated by any authorised bank or it's app like GPAY, patyam more over you are asking Card no fully and secret code of card but GPAY never asked only last 4digit card kindly confirm how for safety to customer reply
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Hello @bbn2 


Thanks for posting your question in the PayPal Help Community!


I am happy to help you with your inquiry here! PayPal is an online payment system that allows you to send and receive money worldwide. PayPal only asks essential information when you sign up, but as you transact with PayPal, it is under a legal obligation to know more about you. When you verify your account by confirming your financials, you're proving that you own the financial details added to your account. PayPal offers end-to-end encryption to protect your financial information. 


PayPal is committed in keeping your financial information secure and in line with applicable laws and regulations, as well as industry-leading privacy standards. Your personal data is stored in secure databases, in addition, PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information when it's stored and transmitted. You can learn more about how PayPal store the data and keep the data secure in the PayPal's Privacy Statement.


I hope this information helps,


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