Paying-to-a-spoof-website II - complaint


on 3 march I made an donation (via PayPal) on a website that looked like  the website of an organisation i wanted to support,

But I realised that the website is fake, it has nothing to do with that organisation.

I opened a dispute PP-002-233-702-838 but that was rejected on 24 march 

Not satisfied with this reply i made a complaint of this
SAXK (KMM41858157V17974L0KM)

on 17 april I received an email from paypal  (Leisa)
(ID: C826-L003-T18000-S111-W0000M0) (KMM42895404V6992L0KM)
that my details got lost

I replied with a draft on my complaint on 18 april

since them I haven't heard anything,

Is somebody looking at my complaint and when do I get a reply?

see also

a post i made  earlier on the same case.

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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor

Unfortunately you're asking the wrong people.  Only customer support would be able to answer your questions.  As this is a public community forum, the people here do not have access to PayPal Accounts.

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sometimes people from paypal are here i hoped they would reply ....

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

Even the moderators that post on here and work for paypal don't have access to yoru account info and would advise you to contact customer services.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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