Dispute Enquiry about onBux


Hello, I would like to enquire about a Dispute/claim against onBux Ltda. I have made around 1348$ Purchases at onBux Ltda. These purchases include several referral pack purchases as well as ultimate membership upgrade. onBux Ltda, is a bux site and like all other bux site you need to wait atleast 2-3 months to get your payment return, so I waited and when I recently asked for a 345$ payment on my account I got no payment from onBux Ltda, which PROMISES to pay its ultimate members INSTANTLY. I am an ultimate member and a transaction record at paypal also shows that i purchased the item ultimate membership at onBux.


Now I am in real trouble as this site is not paying me what it describes and is using paypal to scam members. 

I have no intentions to continue on this website and any of their schemes. I just want a swift action from Paypal to refund all my purchases. I am unable to open a dispute/claim as 45 days have passed, but Paypal must have any method to help me as this is a serious matter and onBux is really scaming alot of members.



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Hello to all members ! I am very glad I find such discussion here because I have already filed 2 disputes about onBux here at PayPal.They both are well within the given 45 days because around a month ago I've paid 25 US$ for a pack of 100 referrals and around a week after that 90 US$ for a Golden membership. Everything was going *fine* as far as it can be...but one evening a friend of mine sent me the following : http://ptc-investigation.com/onbux.aspx  and as I was reading it my stomach twisted. onBux was THE LAST SITE ON EARTH I was expecting to see in that SCAM list. I suddenly thought there was something VERY WRONG GOING ON...so I went there to see if I can claim ANY PAYMENT...I had some 25 US$ at my main balance so I decided to withdraw some 20 US$ ..BUT you can imagine my amazement as I saw ALL OF the four Payment Processors buttons were GRAYED OUT (not active).So that was my FIRST (maybe LAST) attempt to get paid. I wrote only two things in one topic to one admin : http://www.onbux.com/forum/topic?frmid=9&tpcid=75584 and right after this conversation I got a message that I was BANNED FROM THE FORUM...no reasons no nothing...and certainly he did not warned me about anything.I just tried to post that link above about PTC INVESTIGATION site and you can see what his answer on that was. It was more important to him that I've posted link to a BLOG which has some money making banners or something..than that WHOLE WORLD READS THAT ONBUX GOT SCAMMED..what an admin 🙂 Not to mention that : http://www.yallitenterprise.info/2011/03/onbux-changed-tos-62-tactic-to-avoid.html  ...so they can change their ToS whenever and however they like and this will affect ALL MEMBERS regardless of they are members from one week or one year...VERY CONVINIENT 🙂 And last but not least PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THIS : http://www.onbux.com/terms ..I am speaking of ToS points 7.1 and 7.2 :  
7.1. After payment has been made to onBux, it belongs to onBux with no possibility of repayment.
7.2. Any kind of dispute / refund request / attempt to charge-back, will be repealed by onBux and the member will have their account suspended.  

All I can say about that is O M G ! ...you all know that when you go to a store to buy something..there are some money back guarantees etc.  Even after 30 days or so...you can return the purchase and they will refund you...and as you can see..that is NOT the case with onBux....maybe they think they are some kind of GODS which are NOT OF THIS PLANET ? ...this sounds like words of HITLER or some TOTALITARY DICTATOR ...something like : GIVE ME YOUR MONEY AND FORGET ABOUT THEM..if NOT..then FORGET ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT...OMG ! So I really hope my claims would be found in my favor..and as for ALL OTHERS WHO HAVE BEEN DECEIVED.

P.S. please excuse me for my English after all I am a Bulgarian so not my native language but I hope you all got it and feel better informed about the situation.

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New Community Member

I also made a dispute regarding onbux payments I am a golden member. I invested 120 USD in it and have grown in too 239.53 USD. I provided every single bit of information with screenshots of onbux NOT paying me. Now waiting for the answer I am very pleased to see that finaly actions are taken regarding this issue i hope everyone will get their earning back if not atleast their investments. Good luck to everyone. Smiley Tongue

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We are all waiting on Paypal Action against onBux and an update would be very nice. I hope Paypal has enough proof from this topic to confirm that onBux is running this scam to most of the people.

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Hi there, this is clearly an issue that we will take very seriously. We expect anyone using PayPal to act with the highest levels of integrity toward their customers. I will pass this issue on to the relevant department and they can have the account reviewed. I or any of the other Moderators will post any updates as and when we become aware of them. Thanks for all the posts and responses.

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Clearly there is a situation here where people have found a loophole in Paypals terms and conditions and are using it willy nilly to scam people.


You would think that Paypal would make the effort to try and eradicate problems like this, but quite frankly they don't appear to care. There are THOUSANDS and yes I mean THOUSANDS of people pulling scams like this all over the internet, and in each and every case its Paypal thats been the payment processor.


No other site ( alertpay, OKPay, LibertyReserve ) would allow this to carry on but Paypal do nothing.


I was caught by a scammer I am waiting for a resolution from Paypal, but the sellers response was simply to post a fake postage number, and say "it was for an upgrade" and I know Paypal will find in his favour. Meaning I lose out,  the scammer gets paid, and Paypal gets their commision.


I won't ever use paypal now to pay for anything. Its just too easy to get scammed and ripped off. The more honest you are the less support you get off paypal. Thats the harsh reality.



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Thanks for your response. I and all other people who are suffering this scam are really worried with all the time and money lost. Paypal swift action and retrival of our money will be very relaxing for us. We are all waiting on Paypal action against onBux. Ltda.

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Thank you Barry, Thank you Jahanzeb


I"m one of the suffering persons because OnBux. I've lost my investition of 1200 usd from 31 January this year.


Paypal my our last hope.



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Hi!I am in the same situation,i am waiting for my money(now is 18 dollars). Paypal under maintenance that is the only one answer from onbux!

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Hi , well I have the same situation in this onbux ptc .  Iam  a golden member , honest, member!  and when ask payment about 45 days or more nothing happens , and the forum don't give reply and delete what their don't like !


So paypal have the power to force then to pay the rest off golden signature after their stop to pay to us !


for example 6 mouths  off golden ! but i think the justice its paymy request money under review ,  ist about 150 dolares and because their block my acount (all to have request money )  i cant alert people in the forum for this chaim !

its not a good polity to pay pal reputacion !

it urgent act and take several actions again this people !

and tell us the true about !



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