Error message at ebay checkout


This payment cannot be completed and your account has not been charged. Please contact your merchant for more information.

Return to merchant and try a different payment method

We are not able to process your payment using your PayPal account at this time. Please return to the merchant's website and try using a different payment method (if available).



I have tried to pay for items purchsed on ebay using my paypal account but everytime I get the above message I have £68.00 in my paypal balance and money on in the accounts linked to paypal so not sure what the problem is

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189 REPLIES 189


I was having the same problems on my laptop, but it worked on my phone.

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I have been getting an error message too so I contacted Ebay and was advised that they where aware of the problem with paypal as a large number of people where experiencing this issue and advised I contact paypal direct ... Which still means I cant pay for my item

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I have experienced the same issue and have just been on with ebay, who advised that they where aware of the issue as many people where having the same issue. They advised I contact paypal .... so what is the story as this seems to be some tech error on paypals behalf 

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I am also having this problem and to top it all my money has been taken multiple times which is annoying

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not only that but i would phone them if it wasnt for the fact their phone number is down

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I can log onto Paypal no problems but when trying to pay for an item from ebay I get the message "this transaction cannot be completed" and shows a big yellow button with "go back to merchant" on it, so now I have an item that I want to pay for , the seller has an item that he wants paying for, so what happens next.

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This error message problem has been going on for at least  eight months and PayPal has displayed an inability or an unwillingness to resolve this problem. I have experienced this same problem with every PayPal check out over a period of several months. I have wasted between five and six hours on the phone [ Mostly on Hold ] with PayPal agents and at the end of two days there is no resolution of this issue. I am exploring the possibility of filing a class action law suit against PayPal. I would appreciate any help or input in making this law suit a reality.

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I'm an eBay seller and buyers are not the only people having problems.


We have orders which are not being marked as paid even though in some instances, we now have 4 payments for the same item.


eBay is reporting that there is a serious technical problem with PayPal checkout this morning.


I know this doesn't help but just in case, when they have it all resolved, you think the seller has 'taken' too much money, please be aware that everytime you try to pay, you might actually have paid even if you get the error message.  This is going to be a right mess for everyone to sort out.

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I had same issue for  days.......

Two sellers, 2 payments, then one snuck through (the smaller purchase) Then for another 2 days the next one finally went through after I read through this forum.

A common factor is people outside of their bank's country, and usually purchasing from another 3rd country as well.

My Issue boiled down to having a new credit card from the bank sent out, with the same number as the last one, and not updating the expiry date and CCD number in Paypal. (LOG IN TO THEIR WEBSITE - NOT AT EBAY CHECKOUT)

I generally used to use Paypal as a guest thru ebay, where i entered CC details every time, rather than via my paypal funds account. Now it doesn't offer me that option

. I edited this in My Account >> Profile>> EditBanks and cards, saw it had the old ones dates, and edited the details.

Whether my purchase completion was lucky, or as a result of this I don't know.


Good Luck, and I hope that I don't get backcharged for the 10 times the transaction was unsuccessful.

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