Recent withdrawal queries


Hi everyone,


I'd like to apologise about the delay in giving an update on this. We have been investigating your queries and responses.


Nowadays, we aim to withdraw money to your bank within 2 hours of you initiating it from your PayPal account. This is much faster than before.


However, our system delays a small amount of withdrawals for security reasons. These will usually take 21 hours to complete, a very small amount can take 72 hours. These will show as being “under review” in your PayPal account.


You can find the small print in our UA in section 6.2.b.3.


P.S. While I hope this sheds some light on the situation, I understand your frustration and confusion. I’ll make sure to forward your feedback, too.  





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Withdrawals are a nightmare. I go to withdraw an amount to my bank account and it goes in straight away. Then the next 3 or 4 withdrawals paypal always requests me to enter my debit card details as a security check. Then it states, it will show in your bank account in 2 hours, but when i click 'accept', it then says it will be in your account in 24 hours. Whoever does the coding at Paypal, wants getting rid of. If i ran my business like them I would be out of business,Smiley Mad

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Well not just me then!!! I have made two transfers from paypal to my bank account this weekend with mo problems. Was there within two hours. Went to move the rest of the balance over and shows pending.... No reason why, no answer from paypal.... Sigh, i need this money, i am skint. I only sold items as i needed the money 😞 Come on paypal!
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Everytime i am withdrawing i am having to wait 72 hours for their security checks paypal are really taking the p*** now

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I have been waiting for a payment to be released for 21 days now and even though it says the release date is 29th April, I am still waiting for the funds to be released today 30th April. Can you tell me why?

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I have tried now for three days to withdraw MY money, and am still waiting to have my funds transfered. I feel completley mislead by paypal as everything on the website indicated I could transfer the money to my bank via faster payments which would take 2 hours and be on the same day. If I had been told at any point it would be 72 hours I would not have had the money transferred to paypal and I would of had it by now.


I have scanned my passport and bank statements and submited these as requested yesterday but am still waiting to acess my own money??


I have called paypal customer service and been told four different things and been asked to produce documents, change passwords etc and after jumping through all the hoops requested I am still 3 days away from accessing my money.


I cannot even use my paypal balance to pay for food/pizza and groceries as it is refused by paypal.


The whole paypal service and experience is dreadful and a real waste of my time and money. I do hope someone else with half a brain offers a competitive service that works!!


I first started trying to sort out this account on Sunday 28/04/13 and am still no closer to being able to spend my own money which has caused me severe hardship.

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The system is made up as you go along, there is no reason to hold the money for 72 hours, you say it takes 2 hours and once you submit it , you get a message saying it could take up to 72 hours, or 21, i am gonna hazzard a guess that mine will take 72 hours.

I have been waiting since sunday to get to my money, MY money!! and i still aint seen a penny. the system is criminal. why are paypal reviewing my withdrawal? what is there to review?? i have given bank statements , passports, cash cards as requested, more personal info than i would like to share with anyone, let alone a bunch of crooks, and still the withdrawal still needs to be reviewed, nonsense. 

Also, i now cant even spend my remaining balance to do grocery shopping or anything for that matter, I am relying on the money that has been taken from me and now am left in severe hardship, i can even afford to eat, you are playing with peoples lives.

I would not have used paypal had they have been upfront and told me it was going to take this long, but they boast faster payments, until you press the submit button!!

i will be reporting them to the FSA because i have not been given a satisfactory explanation for any of the process. I have spoken to a different person every time i called and have been told something different each and every time. It is a complete shambles.

So i will have to now endure another day without food until the mess gets sorted out, i am so angry, i have never dealt with such useless, dishonest  organisation in all my life

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Watch the Watchdog programe on BBC next Wednesday @8pm

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This has happened to us today, holding £138 in pending. This has meant that I cannot post the item bought through ebay and paid through paypal tomorrow, which is what agreed with the buyer. 

This means Paypal are happy to take mine and the buyers money in fee's but won't let me keep to the conditions stated to the buyer by with holding our money!!!

Disgusted, going to right to the FSA.

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My boyfreind decided to send me some cash via Paypal as i needed it.


So i set up a paypal account and now it says pending even tho the cash was sent as a gift.


How will i know if its going to take 24 or 72 hours?


I was under the impression it would be instant 😞

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I am looking for advice on a problem we are having

See....our paypal was set up for a UK rock band Bleech Box,

because we are all under 18 we have our bank account (Lloyds TSB) under the name of one of us Chandler Hastings

but our drummer set up our paypal under the name 

First Name:     Bleech

Secnd Name: Box


but the bank account we want to link it up to is

First Name:     Chandler

Secnd Name: Hastings


But when we try change the second name to hastings on the band we have to fax in a picture and utility bill and bank statement.... but because we are all under eighteen we havent got a utility bill and we also havent got a fax maxhine.... what can we do??



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