Recent withdrawal queries


Hi everyone,


I'd like to apologise about the delay in giving an update on this. We have been investigating your queries and responses.


Nowadays, we aim to withdraw money to your bank within 2 hours of you initiating it from your PayPal account. This is much faster than before.


However, our system delays a small amount of withdrawals for security reasons. These will usually take 21 hours to complete, a very small amount can take 72 hours. These will show as being “under review” in your PayPal account.


You can find the small print in our UA in section 6.2.b.3.


P.S. While I hope this sheds some light on the situation, I understand your frustration and confusion. I’ll make sure to forward your feedback, too.  





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having the same problems the last 4 days funds have been taking 24 hours to go into my account.  Before that it was the 2hrs.  Wish they'd get this sorted!



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I won money on a casino and decided to withdraw it onto paypal so I could get it the same day, I withdraw it then I got sent an e-mail saying this is being processed, then I logged on and seen that it is pending a review? What possible reason could you need to review MY money? Thats basically like my mate giving my other mate my money to give to me then him saying nah, I'll give it you when I feel like it? This is OUR money not yours! What right and reason could you possibly have to review OUR money, I've got a question Paypal, can I review Your money? and decide when to give it you? I WANT MY MONEY TODAY 27/01/13 or I will be forwarding mine and the thousands of other complains to watchdog this is boarderline theft, pointless, if this is not sorted I will not be using paypal again and I can pretty much gaurentee you will lose alot of other contracts.

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Know exactly what you mean.  What is frustrating is that for some reason Paypal cannot embrace Faster Payments with their system being erratic.  So far this month I have withdrawn funds without any problems.  Over Sunday 27th Jan and today the funds have not arrived and I get a message saying 'Paypal is reviewing your withdrawal'.....what it should really say is 'Paypal is currently gaining interest on your money while it sits in one of our interest bearing deposit accounts'.  We'll give you the money once we feel like it - unbelievable.

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Someone mentioned theres an idea ! I,m sick of trying to contact Paypal today..and sick of leaving posts on here..because Paypal aren`t arsed !! I now log into my Ebay summary and have just noticed that 2 of my customers have paid me twice !! So..if I refund them..Ebay or Paypal ( oh look..same company ! ) will probably also give them a refund using MY money !! This is a complete someone above said..its MY money..and I guarantee that if one of us didnt pay our Ebay/Paypal fees..they can take it direct from OUR bank...but we cant take it from thiers !!! I want the contact details of the CEO...and am going to now google how to contact Watchdog..I just love the way that Paypal responded to this..I can just see them all sat in a meeting, then one of them suggested " why don`t we just disable the Customer Service phones !! " I also would love them to go to thier bank on Pay day and find that the funds had been put on hold for 72 hours....lets see how THEY like it. Its a frikkin shambles..and even log into Paypal and not one mention or an apology to the customers. Scum.

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I think there has been a major systems meltdown just like with NatWest in the UK a month or so back. Still waiting for my withdrawals on Sunday evening and Monday to reach my bank account. Strangely a duplicated payment made to me on Monday was clawed back pretty promptly this morning. The MOST frustrating thing is lack of information, no apologies, no explanations, probably not even any compensation. Seems like they have up to 72 hours to hold on to your money if they really have it in for you, but the way I'm heading I will be working on a Collection Only basis in future to try to avoid the cosy stranglehold monopoly eBay and PayPal have stitched together.

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Couldn`t agree more..but it looks like it may now be back to normal..but for how long ? All I can recommend is withdrawing money to your bank on a daily least,then,the next time this happens....and it will !!  Paypal won`t have as much of a hold on all of us. I eventually managed to speak to a Paypal manager yesterday..but they had obviously been all given a script at the morning team was a laugh listening to him..he reckoned only a handful of customers were affected !!! and that the 72 hr thing is normal ! yet..not one apology message on the Paypal site...sadly..I rely on Paypal for my business....but have learned a heck of a lot about the way they really operate over the past few days..righty to transfer yestardays balance !! Nice to chit chat folks...Victor Meldrew signing out Smiley Happy

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I've had the same experience as many others on here, I made the request to withdraw funds from my bank account into my Paypal and in the confirmation it said the funds should have been in today, well... Guess what?? They're not. It's a large amount of money for me and I have bills in urgent need of payment. This is unacceptable and apart from using Ebay I can say I will not be using Paypal again unless this is resolved and will be strongly suggesting that others stay clear too. Please sort it out. Regards, A very angry customer.
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I agree totally Josie...and also can sympathise..likewise,at the moment,my only income comes from my Ebay shop,as the events I trade at don`t really start until next the millions of scroungers out there who expect our taxes to pay for their existence and just live off the state..( actually..millions of them robably sell stuff on ebay and pay no taxes on that either !! ) I rely on being able to move funds from my Paypal account to my bank,to cover living when something like this happens,Paypal have no idea ( and don`t really care to be frank) what mayhem it causes. I think it is safe to say that lessons have been learned by us all..and have seen Paypal in a different light over the past few days. What annoys me most of all is that having just completed my year end accounts,and seen that my Paypal/Ebay fees are not far off £5k for last year !! and I am a tiny fish compared to some big businesses...they need tio start treating thier customers with some until now,there still hasn`t been an apology. AND whilst I am in Victor Meldrew mode !! talking of my Ebay shop..sales since last weekend have plummeted !!! This fiasco has had much more impact than anyone ever expected..and all it has done is driven even more customers to using Amazon rather than Ebay...anyway..I think I have now said all I need to on the subject...until it happens again !!! Bye folks  🐵

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I would like to have my money added to my bank account immediately. 


My bank account has been verified, I am the one logging in to the transfer from my paypal account to my bankaccount. 


I cannot possibly see what security checks would take 72 hours and what these would actually involve considering that even if there was someone fradulently accessing my paypal account, the money is still being requested to go to MY account. 


This is plain and simple extortion.  I has thought that paypal was supposed to make payments quick and simple (something which they like to say as a mantra), yet the exact opposite has proven true.


Like many others on here, I plan to do everything in my power to report paypal for making my life extremely difficult as a reuslt of my payment being delayed as a result of "pending review".


I find it quite peculiar that no security checks are required to transfer money into my PayPal account from any account in the world but when making a legitamate transfer from my own PayPal account to my own Verified Bank Account that I should incur such strenious security checks. 


Completely out of order.

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Just found this forum and had exact same problem. Transferred £482 yesterday hoping to pay some bills today & got the "pending". Funny how Paypal manage to take their % cut quickly enough security issues or not! I will be cancelling both ebay & Paypal accounts as soon as, sick of the high fees and unfriendly service!!

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