Paypal Debit Card Notification emails not working since 9/23/2014



As of today Oct 2nd 2014 it's a week since the PP Debit card notification emails have not been working, at all.


I've verified with other PP debit card holders that theirs are also not working.


Initially when I contacted PP about this on the 24th I was informed that PP was not aware of such an issue, when I insisted that it is NOT some issue with my emails or spam filters (I've been a PP debit card holder for well over a decade & avid user) there was some info found that "some users" were having issues.


Having tried to get more information about this I was told in writing that the issue should be resolved by Monday Sept 30th 2014, needless to say this never happened.


As of right now it seems like this is an issue for all such card holders based on the info I have retireved by asking around (I think it is highly unlikely that specifically the people I happen to know would all be in the category of "some users").


So at this point I would ike to know what the REAL story is, needless to say it doesn't take a week in 2014 to figure out what the technical issue is of this sort. Mind you this is a feature that was available from day one of PP debit cards, and has worked somewhat reliably since then with some outages at times.


It would appear something else is going on at this point, related to the ongoing split from eBay? Security issues? Other internal political issues? Something in the "explanations" provided don't add up!


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@mbj120 wrote:

I reported it via their website and got an email response:


Your question has been received. To review the status of your ticket, click on the link below.


And of course - no link.  This kind of stuff ticks me off no end.


Where/how did you report something to get a ticket on Paypal (on their udpated webpage that I don't use?) I can't recall seeing any such option when I contact them I just get the notificaiton (heh that works):


"Thank you for contacting PayPal. This is an auto-acknowledgement confirming receipt of your message. Please do not reply to this message.

One of our representatives will be responding to you within 24 hours. If you have questions that require immediate resolution, please log into your PayPal account and click "Contact Us" at the bottom of any page.

We look forward to assisting you."


Then usually within 24-48hrs I do get the same old "copy and paste" reply again about we're doing everything we can and we appreciate your patience in this which you CAN reply on normal email and get another reply from another person wth the same message in a slightly other order of the words, I call these replies "copy and paste" replies, cause I swear they have these saved somehow and just click which reply to send depending on the topic at hand... 🙂

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@minaise wrote:

@mbj120 wrote:

I reported it via their website and got an email response:


Your question has been received. To review the status of your ticket, click on the link below.


And of course - no link.  This kind of stuff ticks me off no end.


Where/how did you report something to get a ticket on Paypal (on their udpated webpage that I don't use?) I can't recall seeing any such option when I contact them I just get the notificaiton (heh that works):


"Thank you for contacting PayPal. This is an auto-acknowledgement confirming receipt of your message. Please do not reply to this message.

One of our representatives will be responding to you within 24 hours. If you have questions that require immediate resolution, please log into your PayPal account and click "Contact Us" at the bottom of any page.

We look forward to assisting you."


Then usually within 24-48hrs I do get the same old "copy and paste" reply again about we're doing everything we can and we appreciate your patience in this which you CAN reply on normal email and get another reply from another person wth the same message in a slightly other order of the words, I call these replies "copy and paste" replies, cause I swear they have these saved somehow and just click which reply to send depending on the topic at hand... 🙂

You would ask that! Of course, now I can't find how I did it. I just wandered around until I found a way but now can't replicate it. The response I got came from:

PayPal Merchant Technical Support <email adrs was here>

With the subject line:

PP MC email notifications [Incident: 141003-000194]

The rest of the email:


Your question has been received. To review the status of your ticket, click on the link below.
Discussion Thread
Customer By Web Form ( 10/03/2014 09:06 AM
Have not received any email notifications/receipts from PP Debit MC since Monday 29SEP.
I see in the forum that I'm not the only one with this issue and it seems to have been going on a while....

I changed my email address from [link removed] to gmail (thinking it might be charter.) Obviously it's not on my end.

I have no clue which product listed below that this applies to so I'm going to guess.

...........end of email


The web form I filled out had a few drop down boxes to define the problem.  Of course I can't remember what they were.


The biggest kicker?

When I went to the resolution center and tried to display the incident # - the response was:

incident not found.


Did I mention how much this kind of stuff ticks me off?  Argggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!

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Yeah I haven't seen such a ticket system on PP, are you using the updated webpage?

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Yes I'm using the the updated website - not classic.  I swear I went back and retraced my steps and the option I had used isn't there anymore.  Probably a good thing since it obviously didn'y do jack squat except generate an email without the link they said was there with an incident # that doesn't exist.


I went back and checked the actual return path of the email.  Initially it says (at)  but then further down it has (at) rightnowtech which is owned by Oracle and from I can gather is an outsource tech support group.  So I think (emphasize think) the email is legit.  The web form I filled out was on the legit paypal site.  That much I know for a fact.  The form didn'y ask any for any real identifying info other than email anyway.


As much as this stuff drives me up a wall - the LAST thing I'll do is call them.   I hate hate hate talking to tech support - especially at PP.  Totally clueless.



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So you I'm not receiving payment in notification emails now either I think that's actually a good thing cause this issue is about to hit the media now if this continues! Cause without that working PayPal has lost a huge part of its benefit for many out there. I am fairly certain there's going to be a huge amount of complaints very very soon! Unless someone just turned them off on my account in retaliation for this thread!
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OK.  I just went into my account and checked under notfications and the box next to:

I make a purchase with my PayPal ATM/Debit Card

was NOT checked.


It was unchecked on Monday and I went in and checked the box plus changed my email adrs from charter because I thought charter might be the problem.


So today it's unchecked.  So I checked it AGAIN and saved.  Went back into it and the box is unchecked.


Hey PayPal - I think I found ONE of the problems.......




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I used to get an email evertime my debt card was used. I like this feature and now it isnt available? Is this true? I went to the notification center and click on email tab and it says "this isnt available."

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I stopped receiving the emails about a week ago. This seems to crop up once every year or two. It sometimes takes a long time for them to return. 


Strangely, though, this time when I go to notifications/settings and check the box to "email when I make a purchase with my card" it appears to "save" the change, but then when I look at the screen again, that box has reverted to unchecked. 


What's going on, PayPal?

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I have not received any email notifications to my gmail address since Sept. 23rd when I make a purchase using my Paypal debit card.  Usually I would receive an email within a few seconds after making a purchase.


Nothing has changed with my Paypal notification settings nor with my gmail account.


Any suggestions?


Is there any way to test email notifications in Paypal?

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I too am having the same problem (it is not a gmail or ISP problem, it is a PayPal problem).  I'm not receiving any notifications from PayPal when making purchases or when payments are posted to my account, etc.  I believe they stopped working right around the 23 for me as well.  This has happened to us several times in the past and it sometimes takes them weeks if not months to fix their problem.


I have not had time to contact PayPal about this yet and doing some quick searches doesn't turn up much for this latest issue.


If anybody else is having this problem it would be good to hear from you and maybe know what, if anything, PayPal has said.



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