Unable to delete old mailing address and old primary email address (no longer my primary)

New Community Member
Hi, I've not used my paypal account since losing my vision a few yrs ago (I'm legally blind but can see enough to use a computer/large print) and wish to begin using it again. I signed back into my today, and began to edit my new address, phone no., credit card, e-mail address, etc. But I am not being allowed to delete my old e-mail address (which I no longer use, but which still exists) nor will it allow me to delete my old mailing address. I'm directed to Wallet to unlink my old address and "try again" but there is no place there to unlink my address - only my bank and cr card info is there. And there's no option to delete my old e-mail address - it stays as primary (even though I never use it now and haven't for several yrs), but there's an option to edit or delete my current e-mail address (which I just added today). Could someone please help me to update my email address (it's accepted my new one, but keeps my old one as the primary one) and delete my mailing address. Thanks.
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Frequent Contributor

Hi there, 

If you want to replace your current email address with another one, simply add a new address and remove your old one:

Here's how to update your email address.

  1. Go to your  Settings.
  2. Click + in the Email section.
  3. Type the new email address and click Add Email.

To remove your old email address, simply click Remove next to that email.

Once you add a new email address to your PayPal account, you need to confirm it. Click Update next to the newly added email and then click Confirm this email.

Since editing your primary email address is not an option, here’s how to update your secondary one:

  1. Go to your  Settings.
  2. Click Update next to your email address, in the Email section.
  3. Update the email address and click Change Email.


Here's how to update the mailing address on your PayPal account:

  1. Go to your Settings.
  2. Click Update under the Address you'd like to change.
  3. Enter your changes and click Change Address.

Please note that you can’t change your address to another country. If you’re moving abroad, you’ll need to close your existing account and open a new account.



Kudos and/or accepting it as a solution if this helped you in any way

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