How can I verify Paypal acct w/o bank acct or CC?


Spent 5 hours in chat and on the phone over three days with ebay support in India ( seriously .. you go American business! I'll leave where to your imagination) and Paypal trying to get figured out why I couldnt sell on ebay. Finally someone tells me I need to be verified. Simple as that. Or is it.... There appears to be only two options that I am sure many of you already know - bank acct or credit card, neither of which I have nor want. So, despite having a SS# I would be perfectly happy supplying them with to verify that I am who I am, I appear to be at their mercy. Is there another way to verify without these? I heard tell that this green dot moneypak of theirs may do but have gotten no other information than I would get an email about it after being turned down for their debit card ( WTF btw?! How do you get turned down for a DEBIT card? I am such a loser! ) Even their own green dot website will neither comfirm nor deny that this will work.

Ok so if anyone could answer this question, me love you long time! because obviously that email that they left me to rely on never came and I sure would like to pay my bills. Well, maybe not so much like as need. Yes, definitely need.

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Hmmm, I wasn't expecting a whole lot when I posted but......its been a week and I can't even get a reply from one of the site administrators? Paypal customer service **bleep** - I still haven't received my email they told me I had to wait for - and now it appears to me the admins here are just as ineffective  What's the problem here? Was my question too hard? Or is it like one of those tough ones you ask a politician and they ignore you as if you hadn't even spoken? Lil help here plz.

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Hi Hater,

First day here...wish I could have posted sooner - I am in a similar boat . Only my boat is ridiculously complicated...I am sooooo tired of this verification nonsense!!!


I got "verified" by getting a smartconnect account with PayPal which is really just a credit line you can use on eBay with a very high interest rate. But it let me sell things.


But I'll cut to the chase...A friend of mine used a greendot card (don't use moneypak -  Greendot  MasterCard Debit) to be able to send money ($500 limit). But that was just lifting the paypal account sending limit. One thing to let you know is you can NOT  send money from your paypal account to a greendot card of any kind - so it's one way transactions.


I am going to try a GreenDot MasterCard tonight and see if it will lift my sending limit, so I can send money. On the chance it gets me "verified"...I will post and let you know. Similarly if you have found a way to get "verified" without a bank account or CC, please let me know.


If you are not going to buy anything big I would definitely suggest applying for the "Bill Me Later" SmartConnect deal and then paying it off right away. Even if you are worried about getting approved - it could be worth a shot just to make a little money and pay a few bills with things you want to sell.


Unfortunately due to some unforeseeable circumstances (I missed two payments and then sent one large payment by mail and they never got it). They have closed my smartconnect account and now I am no longer "verified". I was still selling things on Ebay so I have money in my paypal account but cannot send it anywhere (&^^$%$&&!). This is why I hate credit of any kind - you never know what might happen.



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Thank you Velvet for your reply.


I did apply for this smart connect but was turned down. I would like to know whether the greendot mastercard did get you re-verified or not. I have a walmart debit card tied to my account so I have no issues as far as getting my money out once I am able to sell - I was verified once upon a time in a financial reality far, far away and it worked just fine then at least - it's just getting over the verification hurdle that is giving me trouble now that things seem to have changed so much.


As for your own problem of getting your money out, may i suggest the walmart debit card or something similar if you haven't already tried? There is the low initial setup fee  and a monthly maintenance fee on most of them ( $3 for walmart card and $20 min load amount to get you started vs as much as $50 on some others) but I haven't yet had an issue with purchasing through paypal and you can of course use it anywhere or withdraw from atms.


Anyways, let me know about the verification if you would be so kind. I hope you have better success with your own issues than I have so far. Too much relies on the credit system these days. When people are using your credit history to judge your character for getting a job or renting an apartment, or something as simple as trying to sell stuff on ebay :p,  something is seriously wrong. The tiniest little blip on the creditor radar can have serious repercussions for a person's future.

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The big P strikes again! Unless you owe them money they ignore us? Has anyone seen where they left my "Customer service" laying around ? Oh! There it is in "Google Checkout". See ya later. Much later.

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The only way to deal with these absurd and unnecessary paypal and ebay "verification" rules is to boycott them.  I was a frequent, honest buyer for over 10 years ... but not anymore.

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New Community Member

Thank you, I have been boycotting paypal for this same reason as well.  I've got money tied up in the paypal system that has bent sent to me for this and that reason by people that I cannot even spend because my limit is 0.   I'm an eCommerce specialist too, so every client I create web stores for boycotts paypal as well.  I mean come on guys lying straight to our faces with this verification bs and expecting us to not notice?  Really?  That may work in your business theory meetings but I'm afraid that if people are smart enough to use the internet then they are most likely smart enough to see through your scam.  So sorry, not really go to **bleep**.

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