Vanilla Gift Card will not add to PayPal Wallet after 2 days of activation

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1st error given: "Bank has declined contact etc". Then after a few attempts: 2nd "Card has declined" During the spring of 2023 this was possible. Has anything changed? Can anyone help?


I will try to add again after 5 days and will update this thread if anything changes. 

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I have connected multiple $25 and $100 Vanilla Visa Gift Cards to my PayPal wallet and successfully purchased items using it. I saw on Reddit someone talking about Vanilla policy changing toward PayPal. Anyone with information, help is much appreciated. 

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As of 2/17/24 6:13PM this is the error message displayed. "Your card has been declined. Please try a different payment method."
When first trying error message was "Your card was declined by the issuing bank. Please try a different card or contact your card issuer with questions."

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