Will Money will get hold in midnight like the last time?


Hello, Last Time my money get HOLD when a Spain person was sending me Money. Altough I contact care and make my Money out of hold, and even tell Fiverr had always send me Payments so i a not a new seller. It's Okay. But now he send again, but this time the Money don't get Hold. Although last time it was midnight so i don't known whether my money ome than get hold in midnight. Or it came and directy put on hold. I need automatic transfer tomorrow so i am asking, and i don't want money to get hold in midnight. Please help

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Hello @Ayushman_Samasi

Thanks for joining the PayPal Community! 

I understand you're worried that your recent payment will be placed on hold, and I'm sorry to hear that. If it was going to be placed on hold, it should have been within a few minutes of when you received the payment. To learn why payment holds are placed and how to lift them, I recommend visiting our Help Center by clicking on the links I've included. 

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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