Unable to add money from my Bank of America bank account or debit card to PayPal.


I have been using PayPal for many years. I have a PayPal MC and use it to pay for many of my online services. I have my account set up to automatically get money from my Bank of America checking account when my PayPal balance is low. About two weeks ago, I started getting notices that my online payments using my PayPal MC were not being paid. I checked my PayPal balance, and it is ZERO. I tried to add money from my BofA checking account, but PayPal says they cannot withdraw money from BofA checking accounts. I linked my BofA debit card, but when I try to use it to add money, it gives me a quick "Something Went Wrong" notice, and then moves me to a "Verify your identity" page. I do that, but after that, the same errors occur.

Is this a problem with PayPal, with me, or with the interaction between PayPal and BofA? And, how can I fix this?

In the meantime, I have to go to all my online services and remove my PayPal MC as a payment option, and start using my BofA debit card which works with them, by the way.



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Is the bank of america a virtual / digital bank or a physical bank?

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It's a physical bank. It's one of the largest in the USA.
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Same behavior occurred to me. I cannot transfer to my PayPal account from BoA as PayPal describes that BoA debit cards are not supported. 

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