US$ to CND$ to US$


I am a canadian, in canada with a "normal" paypal account. Someone in the USA sent me money (US$). i want to buy something in the US where they are asking for US currency. is this possible to do without having to go from US$ to cdn$ and cdn$ back to US$?

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Esteemed Advisor



If you actually hold a USD balance in your paypal account and its not just showing a USD (approx conversion amount) then yes you should be able to use your USD funds.


Make sure they are cleared and not pending. Also make sure you have selected your preferred funding source as your balance before you make that transaction....

Click on the profile tab (icon next to log out) > Click on payments third option along on the thick blue band top of page > second down click on update next to your preferred way to pay and put a dot in the balance option.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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thank you for replying. when i look at my wallet, the money transferred in appears as US dollars (with no candian conversion amount shown) and is shown as my primary payment, if that makes sense>

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