Stop automatic charging of other cards if preferred card is declined

New Community Member

I have several cards in my PayPal account both credit and debit.
Last my preferred card was declined for some reason so PayPal thought they'd choose one of my other cards at random to make the payment on my behalf without notifying me.  This for me is breaking the trust I have in the platform.  

PayPal have no idea how I use my other cards and its not their choice on which card I use for a particular purpose.  It so happened they charged a debit card I'm named on belonging to my mother and the money came out of her account.  She is an old age pensioner and her incomings and outgoings are well metered and planned.  Now this is disrupted and she is upset and confused as to why money is missing from her account and now afraid of all things internet-related.  The knock effect of this is the trust I've build with her on internet services to make her life more convenient has been severely eroded.  

This is not acceptable behaviour by PayPal - the worse thing you can do is mess with peoples money if they're entrusting you as a payment service.

How can this "feature" be turned off immediately?

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New Community Member
Same issue, really disturbing. Will choose other services for automatic payments in the future
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Hello @sancheeto and @Hilding

Thanks for stopping by the PayPal Community, and congrats on your first posts! 

I understand you both recently had automatic payments paid with a backup payment method that you didn't prefer, and I'm sorry to hear that. The option to disable automatic payments from using a backup payment method is not available. I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. If there is a payment method on your account that is no longer needed, you can learn how to remove it here

I hope you both have a lovely rest of your weekend! 

- Meghan

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