Paypal money gone after being sent to bank account

Hi, I have sent money from my Swedish PayPal account to my German bank account. Later I was told by the customer service that this should not be possible. Long story short, the money is gone and PayPal is refusing to help. My German bank clearly did not receive the money, otherwise I would be able to see it on my bank account. Knowing now that it should not be possible to transfer money from a Swedish PayPal account to a German bank account, I wonder where my money is. PayPal has a responsibility to showcase where the money went (bank account holder etc) but I’m not getting anywhere when talking to the customer service. Any advice?
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If the transfer failed then it should bounce back to your balance, allow 5-7 business days and if no sign contact customer services for a trace. 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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