Payment was pending, now doesn't show up on account at all.


An error occurred during checkout over Paypal ("check your account at your card issuer before retrying), I checked and the money was already taken from my account, I didn't retry so I wouldn't get charged twice. I tried cancelling the order but the payment went through and it showed in the notifications tab that it was pending. Two days later it didn't show up at all in the notifications or activity tab. I tried emailing the website that I ordered from to see if the order did go through and they also said it didn't show up in their system.

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When you pay a company then it is often pending or awaiting authorisation until that company processes your order and captures the pending payment.

If they don't process the order and capture that payment then the pending status times out and returns back to your funding source.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Hi, thanks for the reply. Im assuming then that it just takes a few days for it to be returned?
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