Error message: Things don’t appear to be working right now.

That is the message I keep getting when trying to transfer funds to a verified card that has received funds from PayPal before: “Things don’t appear to be working right now. Sorry, something’s not right. Please try again later.” It reads as though they are having trouble on their end, but give no timeline for when it will be fixed. Also, PayPal has been known to be a little “less than forthright” with their phrasing of errors in the past, so I’m inclined to believe that *I* have to do something differently or change something, but they give no hints as to what that might be, seeing as things worked fine up til now. Please note: Just yesterday I received an email from PayPal letting me know that my immediately available funds limit had been raised. I tried both the new raised limit and the old limit that has worked in the past and nothing works. I cannot withdraw so much as $5 from PayPal right now and I’m trying to pay salary by the end of today. My money for a job completed seems to be permanently locked up. How do I access it again?
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Edit: Is now resolved. I eventually contacted PayPal through Facebook messenger. The first agent did not give me advice that helped and so I re-asked stating the problem again. Turns out it was MY bank denying the funds… after a 20minute call to my banks customer service all is well. Turns out this issue wasn’t actually PayPals, but instead my bank. But I still think solutions to common problems should still be spelled out clearly just so we don’t have to ask in 20 different places how to get our money…. But still very happy to get it sorted.

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Edit: Is now resolved. I eventually contacted PayPal through Facebook messenger. The first agent did not give me advice that helped and so I re-asked stating the problem again. Turns out it was MY bank denying the funds… after a 20minute call to my banks customer service all is well. Turns out this issue wasn’t actually PayPals, but instead my bank. But I still think solutions to common problems should still be spelled out clearly just so we don’t have to ask in 20 different places how to get our money…. But still very happy to get it sorted.
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hello i have same error and contacted 2 agents and both didnt helped. i tryed everything for 3 weeks. can you tell me how you contacted agents becouse for 2 days there are no agents to be contacted.

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