Automatic transfer issue

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I recently created a bussiness account (in india), and I had INR as my main currency and now its in USD and now during setting up my automatic transfers it says "Automatic transfers have to be in the currency you set when you created this account. Switch your currency back to the original and try again." There is no INR option in adding the currency. Please let me know how to fix this, I have some money that i havent received yet, its been 6-7 days now. I saw the article where it says automatic transfers take 5 days atleast after the status becomes "transfer complete". I am in urgent need of money. So if someone can help. It will be great

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Paypal does not support INR.

You have to set the account up to allow the auto withdrawal of funds as per link.

To receive Paypal payments in your country read the below link.

Advice is voluntary.
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