When does a new business account will be able to receive payment from customer ?


Hi there, as I describe at my title, I've created a new business paypal account to serve my business. But it seems my account  is too new, and can not receive any payment even a small fund. Paypal 's policy seems changed something new right ? Because it worked normally in the past, even a new account. 


Please help me to resolve it. Thank you.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor


As you haven't added your country to your profile (so we can see when we hover over your username) or said in your post which country you are in so unfortunately its hard for us to advise.
Paypal varies a great deal country to country so you need to tell us where you are on this worldwide community forum.

Advice is voluntary.
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Oh is there a difference about country ? So how 's about Vietnam. How can I receive my payment from customer via Paypal when they buy something on my online store ? 

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Make sure you only have x1 personal and x1 business account, its against paypal rules to have more than x1 of each type.

Secondly were any of your other accounts limited at all? If so then the new one may not work as you have issues on an old account?

Have you confirmed your email address?

Have you provided all the business information paypal requests?

Have you verified your account with adding and confirming a bank account or card?


Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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