Paypal holds my money there is no support. What is the regulatory institute of paypal?


What is the regulatory institute of paypal.

Paypal holds my money back. The package arrived, of the customer did not notified paypal.
Unable to create an issue the customer supporrt page always raises a error.

the chat bot answer there o available agent at the moment.

So this is a real nightmare: the is no customer support. It is a shame.

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Thank you for your kind answer, however it does not contain any useful information for me.
First of all I am not a new seller.
I reported this to the European Community, and suddenly paypal started communicate with me. I uploaded 2nd time the receipt of the shipment, and the screenshot, on which the customer says he does not know how to confirm the package has arrived.
They IMMEDIATELY released the hold. What a miracle...
I do not need this type of financial service, this was the last transaction where I received payment via paypal.
The next step is to transfer my money from here, this also does not seems to be an easy task.
I and I am sure I am not the only with this opinion. This kind of "support" is unacceptable for me.

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Yes, I know these stupid policies. But I am not a thief, so total not fair holding my money. The customer of course does not know how to confirm they received the package, so now I have to pay for the gods. Of course paypal does not have any real support. No e-mail, the bot always says "unfortunately there are no available agents... etc. The claim form does not work. unbelievable

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The policy applies to all new sellers and all of us have gone through it.

So you think that everyone in the world should be subject to the new seller hold apart from yourself then?

The policy is understandable as paypal want to make sure you have a good seller reputation and going to send items to the buyer before they release funds.


If you sent trackable then the buyer would not be able to confirm receipt as that option is only for when you send it untracked but mark it as 'shipped or processed' or for 'virtual/digital' sales. The confirm option is not always available to the buyer and to be honest they don't have to use it if they don't want to as the hold is between you and paypal and nothing to do with the buyer.   

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Thank you for your kind answer, however it does not contain any useful information for me.
First of all I am not a new seller.
I reported this to the European Community, and suddenly paypal started communicate with me. I uploaded 2nd time the receipt of the shipment, and the screenshot, on which the customer says he does not know how to confirm the package has arrived.
They IMMEDIATELY released the hold. What a miracle...
I do not need this type of financial service, this was the last transaction where I received payment via paypal.
The next step is to transfer my money from here, this also does not seems to be an easy task.
I and I am sure I am not the only with this opinion. This kind of "support" is unacceptable for me.

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